// DrawingPanel.java // // Drawing Panel - one is created for each animation panel // - Off screen graphics buffer should be created in constructor! // package ciips.animation; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** * DrawingPanel is the graphical panel attached to the * animation frame AlgAnimFrame. It contains the methods * to draw objects for the animation algorithm or instances of another * classes, which contain the drawing methods. *

* This class is NOT TO BE MODIFIED. *

* Any object class which implements the interface DrawingObj * can be added to this panel by calling the addDrawingObj() * method. Similarly, commentary box of type ComBox can be * added to the panel by using addCom method. Since the * commentary box (ComBox) is also implementing the interface * DrawingObj, it can also be added by using the * addDrawingObj method. However, ComBox added * to the drawing panel by using addCom will always appear on * top of any object added to the panel by using the addDrawingObj * method. *

* Note that last object added to the panel will be displayed on top. * * @see AlgAnimFrame#getDrawingPanel * @see DrawingObj */ public class DrawingPanel extends BasicDrawingPanel { private int panel_height = 100; private int panel_width = 100; private int offset = 10; private int delayDuration = 200; private FontMetrics fm; private boolean noAnim = false; private Font bigFont; private Font smallFont, tinyFont, hugeFont, fixFont; private boolean skip = false; private Vector comment; private Vector drawingObj; /** * Creates a panel with white background and initializes the fonts * to be used during the animation. * @see DrawingPanel#getBigFont * @see DrawingPanel#getSmallFont * @see DrawingPanel#getTinyFont * @see DrawingPanel#getHugeFont * @see DrawingPanel#getFixFont */ public DrawingPanel() { super(); smallFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10); fm = this.getFontMetrics(smallFont); bigFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12); hugeFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 14); fixFont = new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 12); tinyFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 8); setBackground(Color.white); panel_height = getSize().height; panel_width = getSize().width; comment = new Vector(); drawingObj = new Vector(); // predecessor = null; // index = seq++; init(); } // DrawingPanel() /** * Constructor which allows the default height and width to be * overridden */ public DrawingPanel( int width, int height ) { this(); setPreferredSize( width, height ); } /** * Initialize the commentary boxes and drawing objects, * removing all of them from the drawing panel. */ public void init() { comment = new Vector(); drawingObj = new Vector(); } /** * Causing a short delay of 1/3 of the normal delay duration. * This method is normally used during debugging to speed up * the achievement of certain system state. */ public void shortDelay() { try { Thread.sleep(delayDuration/3); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } /** * Invoke a delay for a certain duration specified by * setDelay(int). * @see DrawingPanel#setDelay */ public void delay() { try { if (!skip) Thread.sleep(delayDuration); else Thread.sleep(delayDuration/100); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } private String toString(int i ) { return new String(""+ (char)('A' + i)); } /** * Set the delay duration between animation update. This method * is normally called from the event handler of the simulation * delay menu bar. * @param delay Delay duration in milliseconds. */ public void setDelay(int delay) { this.delayDuration = delay; } /** * Calls repaint() followed by delay(). Since these two methods * are being called very frequently in order, the redraw() method * is constructed to save typing. */ public void redraw() { repaint(); delay(); } /** * This method is invoked when the repaint() method is called. * The update method is overriden here to eliminate flashing. * @param g Graphical context */ public void update( Graphics g ) { Dimension d = getSize(); System.out.println("DrawingPanel:update " + d); if (d.width < 1 || d.height < 1) return; makeOffScreenBuffer( d ); // offGraphics.setColor(getBackground()); // offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); offGraphics.setFont(smallFont); fm = offGraphics.getFontMetrics(); paint( offGraphics ); g.drawImage( offscreen, 0, 0, null ); } /** * Method to draw objects on the drawing panel. */ public void paint( Graphics g ) { panel_height = getSize().height; panel_width = getSize().width; System.out.println("DrawingPanel:paint h " + panel_height + " w " + panel_width ); for (int i = 0; i < drawingObj.getSize(); i++) { DrawingObj dr = (DrawingObj)drawingObj.elementAt(i); // if (dr != null) dr.draw(g); if( dr != null ) dr.draw( g ); else drawingObj.removeElementAt(i); } for (int i = 0; i < comment.getSize(); i++) { ComBox com = (ComBox)comment.elementAt(i); if (com != null) // com.draw(g); com.draw( g ); } g.setColor( Color.red ); g.drawRect( 1, 1, panel_width-2, panel_height-2 ); } // paint() /** * Returns the font objects initialized during the class initialization, * which * can be readily used during the animation. Initialization fonts * on the fly during the animation will slow down the screen update * significantly (especially on SGI Irix platform). Therefore, * this fonts are only initialized during the creation of the class * and used by any other classes that require them to reduce * font initialization overhead. * @return Size 12 PLAIN Dialog font. */ public Font getBigFont() { return bigFont; } /** * Return font objects initialized during the class initialization, which * can be readily used during the animation. * @return Size 10 PLAIN Dialog font. * @see DrawingPanel#getBigFont */ public Font getSmallFont() { return smallFont; } /** * Return font objects initialized during the class initialization, which * can be readily used during the animation. * @return Size 8 PLAIN Dialog font. * @see DrawingPanel#getBigFont */ public Font getTinyFont() { return tinyFont; } /** * Return font objects initialized during the class initialization, which * can be readily used during the animation. * @return Size 14 PLAIN Dialog font. * @see DrawingPanel#getBigFont */ public Font getHugeFont() { return hugeFont; } /** * Return font objects initialized during the class initialization, which * can be readily used during the animation. * @return Size 12 PLAIN Courier font. * @see DrawingPanel#getBigFont */ public Font getFixFont() { return fixFont; } /** * Get the height of the drawing panel. * @return Height of the drawing panel set during the initialization of the * class or after each invoke of the repaint() method. */ public int getPanelHeight() { return panel_height; } /** * Get the width of the drawing panel. * @return Width of the drawing panel set during the initialization of the * class or after each invoke of the repaint() method. */ public int getPanelWidth() { return panel_width; } /** * Get the number of pixel towards the edge of the panel which are not * going to be drawn. * @return Inset of the drawing panel, * i.e. the edge pads on the four sides of * of the panel that are not to be drawn. */ public int getOffset() { return offset; } /** * Set if the animation is in the 'SKIP' . . 'UNTIL' mode. * @param skip TRUE if the algorithm animation is to be fast forwarded * to a specific point of execution. FALSE otherwise. */ public void setSkip(boolean skip) { this.skip = skip; } /** * Disable or enable animation. * @param noAnim true is animation is to be disabled, * false otherwise. */ public void setNoAnim(boolean noAnim) { this.noAnim = noAnim; } /** * Check if the noAnim flag is set. * @return true if the noAnim flag is set. */ public boolean getNoAnim() { return noAnim; } /** * Check if the animationis in the skip mode. * @return Returns if the animation is in the 'SKIP' . . 'UNTIL' mode. */ public boolean getSkip() { return skip; } /** * Adds a drawing object to the canvas. * @param obj The object to be added. */ public void addDrawingObj( DrawingObj obj ) { if (isObjExist(obj)) removeObj(obj); drawingObj.addElement(obj); } /** * Checks if a certain object has already been added to the drawing * panel. * @return Returns TRUE if the drawing object has been added; * FALSE otherwise. * @param obj The drawing object to be checked. */ public boolean isObjExist(DrawingObj obj) { boolean res = false; for (int i = 0; i < drawingObj.getSize(); i++) { DrawingObj dobj = (DrawingObj)drawingObj.elementAt(i); if (dobj.equals(obj)) { res = true; break; } } return res; } /** * Remove a drawing object which matches the parameter. * @param obj The drawing object to be removed. * @return TRUE if the object has been successfully deleted; FALSE * otherwise. */ public boolean removeObj(DrawingObj obj) { if (obj == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < drawingObj.size(); i++) { DrawingObj ob = (DrawingObj)drawingObj.elementAt(i); if (ob.equals(obj)) { drawingObj.removeElementAt(i); return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds a commentary box to the drawing panel. * @param com The commentary box to be added. */ public void addCom(ComBox com) { if (isComExist(com)) removeCom(com); comment.addElement(com); } /** * Check if a commentary box has already been added to the drawing panel. * @return Returns TRUE if the commentary box has been added; * FALSE otherwise. * @param com The commentary box to be checked. */ public boolean isComExist(ComBox com) { boolean res = false; for (int i = 0; i < comment.size(); i++) { ComBox com2 = (ComBox)comment.elementAt(i); if (com2.equals(com)) { res = true; break; } } return res; } /** * Remove the commentary box. * @param com The combox to be removed. */ public void removeCom(ComBox com) { if (com == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < comment.size(); i++) { ComBox com2 = (ComBox)comment.elementAt(i); if (com2.equals(com)) { comment.removeElementAt(i); break; } } } /** Remove all commentary boxes */ public void removeAllCom() { // comment.clear(); /* Clear only exists after v1.2 */ for (int i = comment.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { comment.removeElementAt(i); } } /* ----------------------- Animation methods ----------------------- */ int animStep = 5; /** * Set the animation step, i.e. the number of step for an object * to move from one point to another. * @param step The number of animation step. */ public void setAnimStep(int step) { this.animStep = step; } /** * Animate a single drawing object through a sequence of points * specified by the Vector construction. * Each element of the vector is of type Point, where the first * is the source and the last is the destination of the trajectory * to be animated on the object. * @param obj The drawing object to be move. * @param pts The trajectory the drawing object is to be moved. */ public void animate(DrawingObj obj, Vector pts) { if (skip) return; if (pts.size() > 1) { Point src = (Point)pts.firstElement(); for (int i = 1; i < pts.size(); i++) { if (noAnim || skip) { Point finalPt = (Point)pts.lastElement(); obj.move(finalPt.x, finalPt.y); break; } Point dest = (Point)pts.elementAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < animStep; j++) { int x = src.x + (dest.x - src.x)*(j+1) / animStep; int y = src.y + (dest.y - src.y)*(j+1) / animStep; obj.move(x, y); repaint(); delay(); } obj.move(dest.x, dest.y); repaint(); delay(); src = new Point(dest.x, dest.y); } } else if (pts.size() > 0) { Point pt = (Point)pts.firstElement(); obj.move(pt.x, pt.y); repaint(); } } /** * Animate a single drawing object along a trajectory * **/ public void animate( DrawingObj a, Trajectory t ) { DrawingObj aa[] = new DrawingObj[1]; aa[0] = a; Vector v[] = new Vector[1]; v[0] = t.getPoints(); animate( aa, v ); } /** * Animate a list of drawing objects store in an array. * The trajectories of these objects are passed in through the * second parameter. The size of the arrays passed in through * both parameters should be equal. Otherwise, nothing will be performed. * The number of points in all the trajectories must be equal too. * @param objs Array holding the drawing objects to be animated. * @param pts Array holding the trajectories of the drawing objects. */ public void animate(DrawingObj[] objs, Vector[] pts) { if (skip) return; if (objs.length != pts.length) return; else if (objs.length < 1) return; // check if the number of points for all trajectories are equal for (int i = 1; i < objs.length; i++) { if (pts[i].size() != pts[i-1].size()) return; } if (pts[0].size() > 1) { if (noAnim || skip) { for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { Point finalPt = (Point)pts[i].lastElement(); objs[i].move(finalPt.x, finalPt.y); } return; } Point[] src = new Point[objs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (pts[i].size() > 1) { src[i] = (Point)pts[i].firstElement(); } else src[i] = new Point(-1, -1); } for (int i = 1; i < pts[0].size(); i++) { Point[] dest = new Point[objs.length]; for (int j = 0; j < objs.length; j++) { dest[j] = (Point)pts[j].elementAt(i); } for (int j = 0; j < animStep; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < objs.length; k++) { int x = src[k].x + (dest[k].x - src[k].x)*(j+1) / animStep; int y = src[k].y + (dest[k].y - src[k].y)*(j+1) / animStep; objs[k].move(x, y); } repaint(); delay(); } for (int k = 0; k < objs.length; k++) { objs[k].move(dest[k].x, dest[k].y); src[k] = new Point(dest[k].x, dest[k].y); } repaint(); delay(); } for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (pts[i].size() > 0) { Point pt = (Point)pts[i].lastElement(); objs[i].move(pt.x, pt.y); } } repaint(); } else if (pts[0].size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (pts[i].size() > 0) { Point pt = (Point)pts[i].lastElement(); objs[i].move(pt.x, pt.y); } } repaint(); } } } // class DrawingPanel