/* ExtraFrame.java */ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class ExtraFrame extends Frame { AlgAnimFrame parentApp; LegendPanel legend_panel; public ExtraFrame( AlgAnimFrame parentApp ) { this.parentApp = parentApp; setTitle(parentApp.algname); // for the legend window int num = 4; Color collection[]; String set[]; int width = 250, height = 200; // generate the legend in a new window collection = new Color[num]; set = new String[num]; collection = Generate_Colour_Data( collection ); set = Generate_String_Data( set ); legend_panel = new LegendPanel(collection, set, num); //Arrange panels within frame /* GridBagLayout gb = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout( gb ); gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gc.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gc.gridx = 0; gc.gridy = 0; gb.setConstraints( legend_panel, gc ); */ setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); add("Center", legend_panel ); // pack(); validate(); resize(width, height); show(); } public boolean handleEvent(Event event) { if (event.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) { dispose(); } return super.handleEvent(event); } public void Remove_Window( ) { dispose(); } private Color[] Generate_Colour_Data( Color[] collection ) { collection[0] = Color.blue; collection[1] = Color.black; collection[2] = Color.yellow; collection[3] = Color.red; return collection; } private String[] Generate_String_Data( String[] set ) { set[0] = "Original Node Colour"; set[1] = "Original Edge Colour"; set[2] = "Node/Edge In Focus"; set[3] = "Node/Edge Chosen"; return set; } }