Interface DrawingObj

public interface DrawingObj
Interface for the drawing object to be drawn in the drawing panel.

Any graphical objects to be displayed on the DrawingPanel should implement this interface. All the abstract methods of the interface must be defined in the object class defining the graphical object.

For example, if Box is a class which implements DrawingObj, i.e. the class declaration of Box starts with the following line:

      class Box implements DrawingObj {
Then any instance of class Box can be added to the drawing canvas as follows:
      Box box = new Box(...);
      box.move(x, y);
The first line declares an instance of class Box called box. The next line uses the method addDrawingObj to add box into the canvas drawingPanel, which is an instance of the object class DrawingPanel.

The move method of the drawing object (which must be specified) is then called to move the corresponding object to position (x, y). Finally, the redraw() method of DrawingPanel class is called to refresh the panel and delay for the object to be visible.

See Also:
DrawingPanel, addDrawingObj, redraw

Method Index

 o draw(Graphics)
Paint method of the drawing object.
 o getX()
Returns the x coordinate of the drawing object's reference point.
 o getY()
Returns the y coordinate of the drawing object's reference point.
 o move(int, int)
This method repositions the drawing object to the new location specified by the paramters.


 o draw
 public abstract void draw(Graphics g)
Paint method of the drawing object.

g - A reference to the graphical context.
 o move
 public abstract void move(int x,
                           int y)
This method repositions the drawing object to the new location specified by the paramters.

x - The x coordinate of the drawing object's new position.
y - The y coordinate of the drawing object's new position.
 o getX
 public abstract int getX()
Returns the x coordinate of the drawing object's reference point.

The x coordinate of the drawing object's reference point.
 o getY
 public abstract int getY()
Returns the y coordinate of the drawing object's reference point.

The y coordinate of the drawing object's reference point.