package ciips.animation; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * This is one example of the drawing object inheriting * java.awt.Panel which can be added to the drawing panel * (DrawingPanel). *

* Since DrawingPanel is also an extension of panel, * this Histogram panel has to be added to the drawing panel * by using the following statement (otherwise, the layout manager of * this class might interprete its dimension as null during the panel * initialization and nothing will show up):

 *	Histogram histogram = new Histogram();
 *	drawingPanel.setLayout(null);
 *	drawingPanel.add(histogram);
 * 	...
 *	histogram.setTitle("title");
 *	histogram.setXLabel("x-axis label");
 *	histogram.setYLabel("y-axis label");
 *	histogram.setYMax(maxY);
 *	histogram.setXMax(maxX);
 * 	histogram.setYStep(10);
 *	histogram.setXStep(5);
 *	histogram.reshape(x, y, width, height);
* drawingPanel is an instance of the class object * DrawingPanel, which can be typically obtained from * the instance of AlgAnimFrame, by calling the * getDrawingPanel() method of the class. * e.g. in AlgThread, the instance of AlgAnimFrame * is passed in as frame. Therefore,
 * 	drawingPanel = frame.getDrawingPanel();
* The reshape method is inherited from a parent class. * It is called to move the histogram to position (x, y) * and set the dimension of the histogram to width x height. * @see DrawingPanel * @see AlgAnimFrame * @see Panel */ public class Histogram extends Panel implements DrawingObj { int panel_height, panel_width; FontMetrics fm; Dimension offscreensize = null; Image offscreen = null; Graphics offGraphics = null; Font font; String title, xLabel, yLabel; int yMax, yMin, yStep; int xMax, xMin, xStep; Hashtable table; /** * A constructor to this class which set the background of the panel * to white, font to size 12 PLAIN courier, and initializes the * title, x-axis label, y-axis label, etc. * Note that although the initial background color is set to white, * it can be changed at any time after this contructor is called by * using the setBackground method inherited. e.g. *
     *	Histogram histogram = new Histogram();
     *	histogram.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
* For detail of what color can be set, refer to * java.awt.Color. */ public Histogram() { setBackground(Color.white); this.font = new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 12); = this.getFontMetrics(font); title = new String(); xLabel = new String(); yLabel = new String(); yMax = 0; yMin = 0; yStep = 0; table = new Hashtable(); } /** * Initialize the histogram, removing all bars from the graph. */ public void init() { table = new Hashtable(); repaint(); } /** * Get the left most position of the panel. * @return The x-coordinate of the top-left position of the histogram. */ public int getX() { return location().x; } /** * Get the top most position of the panel. * @return The y-coordinate of the top-left position of the histogram. */ public int getY() { return location().y; } /** * Set a title for the histogram. * @param title The new title of the histogram. */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } /** * Set a title for the x-axis. * @param xLabel new title for the x-axis of the histogram. */ public void setXLabel(String xLabel) { this.xLabel = xLabel; } /** * Set a title for the y-axis of the histogram. * @param yLabel new title for the y-axis of the histogram. */ public void setYLabel(String yLabel) { this.yLabel = yLabel; } /** * Set the maximum value for the y-axis of the histogram. * @param yMax The maximum value for the y-axis of the histogram. */ public void setYMax(int yMax) { this.yMax = yMax; } /** * Set the incremental step for the y-axis. For example, if the minimum * value of the y-axis is 0, and this incremental step is set to 5, * then the value 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ... will be displayed on the * y-axis of the histogram. * @param step The incremental step for the y-axis of the histogram. */ public void setYStep(int step) { this.yStep = step; } /** * Set the minimum value for the y-axis of the histogram. * @param yMin The new minimum value for the y-axis of the histogram. */ public void setYMin(int yMin) { this.yMin = yMin; } /** * Set the maximum value for the x-axis of the histogram. * @param xMax The maximum value for the x-axis of the histogram. */ public void setXMax(int xMax) { this.xMax = xMax; } /** * Set the incremental step for the x-axis of the histogram. * @param step The new incremental step for the x-axis of the histogram. * @see Histogram#setYStep */ public void setXStep(int step) { this.xStep = step; } /** * Set the minimum value for the x-axis of the histogram. * @param xMin The new minimum value for the x-axis of the histogram. */ public void setXMin(int xMin) { this.xMin = xMin; } /** * Set the Y value for the vertical bar at the specified X position. * If the x or y value specified in the parameter is larger than the * maximum x or y value, the maximum value will be set to the specified * value + 1. * @param x The vertical bar at X = x *

* @param y The value of the vertical bar specified by the first parameter. */ public void setValueXY(int x, int y) { Integer X = new Integer(x); Integer Y = new Integer(y); table.put(X, Y); if (x > xMax) setXMax(x + 1); if (y > yMax) setYMax(y + 1); if (xStep < (xMax-xMin)/10) { xStep = (xMax-xMin)/10; xStep += 10-(xStep%10); } if (yStep < (yMax-yMin)/10) { yStep = (yMax-yMin)/10; yStep += 10-(yStep%10); } } /** * Increment the Y value of vertical bar specified by the parameter. * Initially, all x values are set to zero. If the x-value does not * exist in the hashtable governing the histogram, it will be added. * @param x Specifies the vertical bar at X = x. */ public void incValueX(int x) { Integer X = new Integer(x); if (table.containsKey(X)) { Integer Y = new Integer(((Integer)table.get(X)).intValue() + 1); table.put(X, Y); if (Y.intValue() > yMax) setYMax(Y.intValue() + 1); } else { Integer Y = new Integer(1); table.put(X, Y); if (x > xMax) setXMax(x + 1); if (Y.intValue() > yMax) setYMax(Y.intValue() + 1); } if (xStep < (xMax-xMin)/10) { xStep = (xMax-xMin)/10; xStep += 10-(xStep%10); } if (yStep < (yMax-yMin)/10) { yStep = (yMax-yMin)/10; yStep += 10-(yStep%10); } } /** * This method is invoked when the repaint() method is called. * The update method is override here to eleminate flashing during * the updating of the histogram panel. */ public void update(Graphics g) { Dimension d = size(); if (d.width < 1 || d.height < 1) return; if ((offscreen == null) || (d.width != offscreensize.width) || (d.height != offscreensize.height)) { offscreen = createImage(d.width, d.height); offscreensize = d; offGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics(); } offGraphics.setColor(getBackground()); offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); offGraphics.setFont(font); fm = offGraphics.getFontMetrics(); paint(offGraphics); g.drawImage(offscreen, 0, 0, null); } /** * Same as paint(). This method just calls the paint() method. * It must be defined here to implement the DrawingObj interface. * @see Histogram#paint */ public void draw(Graphics g) { paint(g); } /** * Method to draw objects on the histogram panel. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { panel_height = size().height; panel_width = size().width; g.setColor(; //g.drawRect(1, 1, panel_width-2, panel_height-2); // draw Title g.setFont(font); g.drawString(title, (panel_width - title.length()*7)/2, 20); // draw X axis g.drawLine(30, panel_height - 30, panel_width - 30, panel_height - 30); g.drawString(xLabel, (panel_width - xLabel.length()*7)/2, panel_height - 5); // draw Y axis g.drawLine(30, 50, 30, panel_height - 30); g.drawString(yLabel, 5, 45); if (xMax != xMin) { int range = (panel_width - 85); for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xStep) { g.drawLine(45+(i-xMin)*range/(xMax-xMin), panel_height-28, 45+(i-xMin)*range/(xMax-xMin), panel_height-32); g.drawString(""+i, 45+(i-xMin)*range/(xMax-xMin) - 7, panel_height-17); } } if (yMax != yMin) { int range = (panel_height - 90); for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yStep) { if (i == yMin) continue; g.drawLine(28, panel_height-30-(i-yMin)*range/(yMax-yMin), 32, panel_height-30-(i-yMin)*range/(yMax-yMin)); g.drawString(""+i, 5, panel_height-30-(i-yMin)*range/(yMax-yMin) + 5); } } if (!table.isEmpty()) { // plot bar g.setColor(; int barWidth = (panel_width - 85) / (xMax - xMin); if (barWidth < 2) barWidth = 2; for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i++) { Integer X = new Integer(i); if (!table.containsKey(X)) continue; int barHeight = ((Integer)table.get(X)).intValue(); barHeight = (barHeight-yMin) * (panel_height - 90) / (yMax - yMin); g.fillRect( 45+(i-xMin)*(panel_width - 85) / (xMax - xMin) - barWidth/2, panel_height - 30 - barHeight, barWidth>2?barWidth - 1:barWidth, barHeight); } } } // paint(); }