@inproceedings{bayardo05data, author = {Roberto J. Bayardo and Rakesh Agrawal}, title = {Data Privacy through Optimal k-Anonymization}, booktitle = {ICDE '05: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'05)}, year = {2005}, isbn = {0-7695-2285-8}, pages = {217--228}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICDE.2005.42}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, cache = {bayardo05data.pdf}, abstract = { As various computers are connected into a world wide network, software is a target of copyright pirates, attackers, or even terrorists, as a result, software protections become a more and more important issue for software users and developers. There are some technical measures for software protections, such as hardware-based protections and software-based techniques [1], etc. Software obfuscation [2] is one of these measures to protect software from unauthorized modification by making software more obscure so that it is hard for potential attackers to understand the obfuscated software. There are several algorithms of software obfuscation such as layout transformation, computation transformation, ordering transformation, and data transformation [2]. Variable transformation is a major method of data transformation to transform software into a new semantically equivalent one that is hard for attackers to understand the true meaning of variables in software.} }