2nd International Conference on Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture

TEAA 2006

2nd International Conference on

Trends in

Enterprise Application Architecture

29th November - 1st December 2006, Berlin


Enterprise applications range from simple Web shops to complex enterprise resource planning systems. In the area of enterprise applications, interesting research questions arise with regard to software development, system performance, stability, scalability, security, usability, and maintainability.


The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of enterprise application architecture. TEAA 2006 invites high quality submissions to current fields of research in enterprise applications.


Topics of Interest


Relevant topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:


 IT for the Enterprise of the Future

 Model Driven Architecture, Integrated Development Environments

 Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise Application Integration

 Sizing and Cost Estimation, Performance Benchmarking

 Mobile Workforce Access, RFID in Enterprise Applications

 User-Interface Technology, Multi-Channel Architecture

 Autonomous Computing, Enterprise Grid Computing, Load Balancing

 Enterprise Component Platforms, Enterprise Service Bus


Post-Proceedings will be published by Springer

29th Nov - 1st Dec

