Department of Computer Science | University of Auckland GG    
GG Theses
Master Theses|Phd Theses

Year Title Authors
2006A framework for interactive web-based visualizationNathan Holmberg
2006Real-time Hair Rendering and StylingRui Zhang
2005Interactive modelling and efficient rendering of treesLilin Du
2004Terrain VisualizationTing Yang
2004Improved billboard clouds for extreme model simplificationIn-Tai Huang
2004A physically based animation engine applied to a hexapod modelSashan Govender
2000Curly Hair RenderingShyh-Chyu Wang
20003D Reconstruction of Piscine VisionParker Shao
1999Physically Based Modelling and Animation of Rigid Body SystemsRobin Otte
1999Evolving Locomotion Controllers for Virtual CreaturesMichael Sanders
1998Emotion-Driven Deformation of Non-human FacesR Cha
1998High Quality Volume RenderingJoshua Lawrence
1998A Fluid-Based Soft Object ModelDaniel Nixon
1998Just in Time VRML Volume Rounding with Polyhedron BevellingDavid Poon
1998Querying in program visualisation
1997Fitting Surfaces to Multiple Orthogonal Contour SetsG. NG.
1996Convolutional Smoothing of Polyhedra P. Dansted
1996Physically Based Rigid Body Animation System J. Lee
1996A Fast Polygonization Method for Quasi-Convolutionally Smoothed PolyhedraBurkhard Wuensche
1994Functional Languages and their Application in Computer Graphics.K. Mcleod
1993A computer rendered and interpolated signing systemC. Anderson
1993Object-precision methods for visible surface determinationJ Wil
1993Fuzzy rendering for high-quality image generationA. Willmott
1992Image rendering without point samplingG. Roche
1992Studies in Coherent Ray TracingC. Wylie
1991Image rendering by radiosity techniquesD. Plumpton
1991Exploitation of coherence in animationK. Wells
1990The automatic exploitation of coherenceS. Handley
1990A Practical Ray Tracer that Exploits Ray CoherenceC. Cooksey
1989Exploiting Coherence in Ray TracingM. Halstead
1984A Dynamic Program Loader Based on SegmentationY. Fong
1983An Interactive Structured Basic CompilerB.S. James
1983The Controller Hardware Interface for the LSI-11/23C.M. Wong

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