Department of Computer Science | University of Auckland GG    
Conference: Detail


SG 09: 9th International Symposium on SmartGraphics

DescriptionGraphics become Smart Graphics when their design and implementation are˙grounded in an understanding of human abilities, activities, and motivations˙from design experience and the broad spectrum of cognitive and social sciences. When knowledge from these diverse fields is combined with new methods, tools˙and techniques in AI, HCI and computer graphics, environments are created that: (1) engage the user and are aesthetically satisfying; (2) participate in human cognition as external or distributed representations; (3) are sensitive to the real-time demands of the interaction in the context of the˙available informational and computational resources; (4) adapt the form of the output according to a wider set of constraints such as an˙individual\\\\\\\'s perceptual, attentive, and motor abilities and the nature of the presentation media and available interaction devices. The International Symposium on Smart Graphics aims at gathering people from˙the fields of Cognitive Science, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and˙Graphics Design to share experiences and experiments in this new and emerging˙area of study.
Submission Deadline2009-02-14
LocationSalamanca, Spain
Contact personRoberto Theron

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