Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

Our Personnel

The CDMTCS includes faculty members, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students from the departments of computer science, philosophy and mathematics from the University of Auckland.
Management Committee

The activities of the CDMTCS are overseen by a Management Committee consisting of:

Faculty Members

  1. Douglas S. Bridges (Mathematics, University of Canterbury)
  2. John C. Butcher (Mathematics)
  3. Cristian S. Calude (Computer Science)
  4. Marston D. E. Conder (Mathematics)
  5. Michael J. Dinneen (Computer Science)
  6. Steven Galbraith (Mathematics)
  7. Fred Kroon (Philosophy)
  8. Bakh Khoussainov (Computer Science)
  9. Sebastian Link (Computer Science)
  10. Jaimou Liu (Computer Science)
  11. Rajko Nenadov (Computer Science)
  12. Andre Nies (Computer Science)
  13. Ninh Pham (Computer Science)
  14. Miao Qiao (Computer Science)
  15. Jeremy Seligman (Philosophy)
  16. Ulrich Speidel (Computer Science)
  17. Jing Sun (Computer Science)
  18. Marc Vinyals (Computer Science)
  19. David Welch (Computer Science)
  20. Xinfeng Ye (Computer Science)
  21. Michelle Zhang (Computer Science)

Former Members

  1. Paul Bonnington (Mathematics)
  2. Richard Coles (post-doc, 1999)
  3. Robert W. Doran (Computer Science)
  4. Alexei Drummond (Computer Science)
  5. Jeremy Gibbons (Computer Science)
  6. Peter Gibbons (1995-2008)
  7. Tanya Gvozdeva (Computer Science)
  8. Paul R. Hafner (Mathematics)
  9. Peter Hertling (post-doc, 1997-1999)
  10. Michael J. J. Lennon (1995-1999)
  11. Marjo Lipponen-Salhi (post-doc, 1997-1999)
  12. P. McKenna (post-doc, 1997-1999)
  13. Radu Nicolescu (Computer Science)
  14. Boris Pavlov (Mathematics)
  15. Alexander Raichev (post-doc 2006-2009)
  16. Ivan Reilly (Mathematics)
  17. Clark Thomborson (Computer Science)
  18. Mark Titchener (Bioengineering)
  19. Yongge Wang (post-doc 1998)
  20. Mark C. Wilson (Computer Science)


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