This conference was held in gloriously fine weather on the
City Campus of the University of Auckland. This campus is
situated on a rise overlooking
the Waitemata Harbour, providing a view appropriate for the "City of Sails".
The conference talks covered a wide range of areas in combinatorics
and computing. Eight invited speakers, including Fields Medal winner
and avid windsurfer
Vaughan Jones, each gave one-hour presentations. In addition there
were 49 contributed 20-minute talks, packed into two streams.
The main conference excursion was a boat trip to two nearby islands in the
Hauraki Gulf. Rangitoto is a dormant volcano prominent from most
parts of Auckland. Most of the excursion party managed to climb
to the peak to experience a memorable view, and then return unscathed. The
second island, Motuihe, was flatter with sandy beaches and
nice walks. Other social events included a welcoming reception,
a conference banquet and a
survivors' party attended by a large proportion of hardy individuals.
The conference was notable for its friendly atmosphere and the
high quality of the presentations. The Director thanks all
those involved for their participation, and looks forward to
the 21st ACCMCC which will be held at Deakin University in
Geelong, Australia in July 1995.
The following invited talks were presented (in speaking order):
- Block-transitive designs
- Cheryl Praeger, University of Western Australia
- Growth and Separation in Graphs
- Paul Bonnington, University of Auckland
- Pseudo--Random Graphs
- Neal Brand, University of North Texas
- Orthogonal Resolutions of Triple Systems
- Alex Rosa, McMaster University, Canada
- Some advances in computational design theory
- Brendan McKay, Australian National University
- A subfactor approach to combinatorics
- Vaughan Jones, University of California (Berkeley)
- Classic Packings and Exact Packings
- Ralph Stanton, University of Manitoba
- Transversal designs with higher index
- Charles Colbourn, University of Waterloo, Canada
The following contributed talks were presented (in alphabetical order of presenter):
- R.E.L. Aldred*, M.N. Ellingham, R.L. Hemminger and D.A. Holton .
Cycles through selected edges in quasi-4-connected graphs
- F. E. Bennett* and H. Zhang . Latin Squares with Self-Orthogonal Conjugates
- Sharon G. Boswell* and R Jamie Simpson . Edge-Disjoint Maximal Planar Graphs
- Elizabeth J. Billington . The intersection problem for small G designs
- Matthew Brown . Generalized Quadrangles of order (q,q^2) , q even
containing W(q) as a subquadrangle
- L. Caccetta* and T.A. Kusmayadi . On the Circumference of Graphs
- Darryn E. Bryant . Trades in triple systems
- Marston Conder . Asymmetric Combinatorially-Regular Maps
- Jane W. Di Paola . Transfers in Steiner Triple Systems and Partial Systems
- Peter Eades*, Wei Lai, and Gitesh Raikundalia . Spremb 5.0: Animation
- Qing-Wen Feng*, Peter Eades and Robert F. Cohen . On Planarity of Clustered Graphs
- Les R. Foulds*, John W. Giffin and Kelvin H. Watson . Orthogonal Layouts using the Deltahedron Heuristic
- W.P. Galvin . Single-machine Scheduling to Minimise Total Absolute
- W.P. Galvin . Lateness for a Specified Number of Tardy jobs
- L.Caccetta and B.K.Gan* . Constrained Minimum Weight Spanning Trees in Network Design
- Peter B. Gibbons . Progress on Determining the Spectrum of Orthogonal Group Divisible Designs
- Marc Gysin . On the Weighing Matrices of order 4n and Weight 4n-2 and 2n-1
- Joan Cooper, Diane Donovan and Rebecca A. H. Gower* . Critical Sets in Direct Products of Back Circulant Latin Squares
- Ken Gray* and Gabrielle Matters . Some Principles of Combinatorial Design Exploited in the
- Ken Gray* and Gabrielle Matters . 1993 Queensland Core Skills Test Marking Operation
- Paul R. Hafner . On a graph of O'Keefe and Wong
- Angele Hamel . Determinantal Forms and Pfaffians for Symmetric Functions
- Angele Hamel . with Particular Application to Schur Q--functions
- Nicholas Hamilton . Geometric Structures in the Finite Figueroa Planes
- Robert E.L. Aldred, Derek A. Holton*, Michael D. Plummer, Michael I. Porteous .
Prescribed and Proscribed Extendability
- Golala Kadir . The Steiner system S(5,8,24) constructed from dual affine planes
- Arnold Knopfmacher . Counting Permutations and Polynomials with a Restricted
Factorization Pattern
- Ewa Kubicka . How to examine all trees of a given order
- Louis Caccetta and Yaya S. Kusumah* . Heuristic Procedures for the Facility Layout Problem
- H. Wang, C. H. C. Little* and K. L. Teo . Partition of a Directed Bipartite Graph into Two
Directed Circuits
- L. Caccetta and S. Mardiyono* . On the Existence of Almost-Regular-Graphs with Exactly One 1-Factor
- Michael E. Morley . Splitting up the Peer Groups or Organising the Daily Chaos
- Margaret Morton* , Marston Conder and Cheryl Praeger . Symmetric Graphs with Imprimitive Vertex-stabilizer
- Radu Nicolescu . A Customised Approach to Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Time Windows
- Patric R. J. Östergård . New Multiple Covering Codes by Tabu Search
- William D. Palmer . Bhaskar Rao Designs with Variable Group Sizes
- John Pearson . The Hadwiger Number of some Finite Graphs and Groups
- Tim Penttila . Hyperovals in planes of order 16
- Ivano Pinneri . Generalised Quadrangles, Flocks and Ovals
- Manley Perkel . Polygonal and Near-Polygonal Graphs
- Rolando E. Ramos and Ramulo G. Pizaña* .
On Invariant, Vanishing and Expanding Graphs Under the Mapping T
- H. Robalewska . 2-factors in Random Regular Graphs
- C. Ramsay and I. Roberts* . Improved Bounds on Completely S
eparating Systems of Sets
- Dominique Roelants van Baronaigien . Loopless Generation of k -ary Trees
- M. Abdus Salam . Characters of the Symmetric Groups
- R. Klein and J. Schönheim* . Colorability of Graphs Decomposable into Degenerate Graphs
- Cantian Lin and Jennifer Seberry* . Remarks of the Equivalence of Certain Hadamard Matrices of Square Order
- Nirmala Achuthan, N.R. Achuthan and M. Simanihuruk* . On Defective Colourings of Complementary Graphs
- A. Slinko . Algebraic properties of random (0,1) matrices
- Cathy Delaney, Adelle Howse and Anne Penfold Street* . Pointwise defining sets and their analogues
- Kee L. Teo . A Simple Method for Determining Chromatically
Equivalent Graphs
- M. S. O. Molloy, H. Robalewska, R. W. Robinson, N. C. Wormald* . 1-factorisations of Random Regular Graphs

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Last modified on 6 Nov 95