UMC2K Invited and Contributed Talks

Karl Gustafson opens the conference by setting a few challenges... 

The meeting concludes for the day with a short address by Ilya Prigogine. 

Ioannis Antoniou with obvious enthusiam for "Computational Methods and Tools for Modeling and Analysis of Complex Processes" 

Takeyuki Hida explains "Some Methods of Computation in White Noise Calculus" 

Ferdinand Peper reports on "Spatial Computing on Self-Timed Cellular Automata" 

Tom Head dives right into his presentation "Splicing Systems, Aqueous Computing, and Beyond" 

Ivan Kisel bends the audience's ears with "Elastic Neural Networks for the Traveling Salesman and Earthquake Epicenter Search Problems" 

Andrei Paun presents his research "On P Systems with Active Membranes" 

Victor Ivanov tackles a hearty topic: "Wavelet Neural Network and its Application to ECG Analysis" 

Luigi Accardi causes a stir by reporting on his ongoing research on Grower's algorithm and some puzzling problems arising from his results 

Claudio Zandron picks up the lead from Andre Paun by telling the conference how we could be "Solving NP-Complete Problems Using P Systems with Active Membranes" 

Grzegorz Rosenberg uses his magic wand to find out how Ciliates see him through a microscope. Magic indeed - he tells us how they invented linked lists for their DNA processing. In vivo DNA computing indeed! 

Boris Pavlov muses about the paper that led to the cover design of the proceedings: "The Quantum Domain as a Triadic Relay", co-authored with Anna Mikhaylova. 

Karl Gustafson sets out to revolutionize conventional computational linear algebra - in an unconventional way! 

Hideaki Abe suggests "Parallelizing with Limited Number of Ancillae" 

Tomoyuki Yamakami takes a second's break from "Quantum Computation Relative to Oracles" to pose for the photographer 

A Burmese working in Japan: Si Si speaking about "Random Fields and Multiple Markov Properties" 

Eric Winfree explains how DNA can be turned into switches and circuits. 

Yuzuro Sato comments "On The Power of Nonlinear Mappings in Switching Map Systems" 

Symeon Bozapalidis introduces the audience to "Quantum Recognizable Tree Functions" 

Ulrich Günther spreads the gospel on T-Codes, T-information theory and its application to similarity searches. 

Gheorge Paun attacks NP complete problems with membrane computing. 

Victor Mitrana continues the topic of P Systems by reporting on "P Systems with Valuations". 

Carlos Martin-Vide opens a special session with a topic kept secret to this moment...'s all about Gheorge Paun turning 50! And... 

...Victor Mitrana prepares to unveil the "birthday present"... showing how the publishing process may be seen as a membrane computing problem. 

It becomes apparent that Carlos Martin-Vide has been colluding with Jacquueline Bergsmam from Kluwer. produce a book, in collaboration with Victor Mitrana, in Gheorghe Paun's honour. Gheorghe gets the first copy: "Where Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet" 

"I can hardly wait..." 

Cris Calude adds his congratulations and some memories of meeting and travelling with Gheorghe Paun. 

An eminent audience listens. 

Jacqueline Bergsman from Kluwer Academic Publishing. 

Manuel Campagnolo describes "Upper and Lower Bounds on Continuous-Time Computation" 

Saturday starts off with Pavlos Akritas' talk on "Multi-Sample Stochastic Filtering of Digital Images of Skin Microstructure". 

Asaki Saito discusses "Inaccessibility in Decision Processes". 

F. Lambert's welcome speach.

Karl Svolzil's talk on "Quantum Information: The New Frontier" concludes the official part of the conference. 

UMC2K Fringe Activities

Cris Calude and Penny Barry during a well-deserved break. 

Cris Calude asks Grzegorz Rosenberg to make the 5th floor disappear with his magic. 

The 5th floor, having disappeared. 

Cris and Grzegorz after the 5th floor has magically reappeared. 

The administrative backbone: Penny Barry (Auckland) and Anne de Naeyer (Brussels). 

At the Conference Banquet: Victor Mitrana and Alica Kelemenova. 

Ferdinand Peper, Asaki Saito, Tom Naughton, and Damien Woods. 

Penny Barry and Andrea Calude. 

A visitor with Yuzuro Sato. 

Tom Head, Gheorghe Paun, and Carlos Martin-Vide. 

Penny Barry, Andrea and Cris Calude, and Erik Winfree. 

Claudio Zandron and Andrei Paun. 

Si Si and her sister. 

Pavlos Akritas. 

E. Yarevsky and Evgueni Karpov. 

Grzegorz Rozenberg deals some card magic to Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana, Tom Head, and Erik Winfree. 

And now it's the Pauns' and the Caludes' turn to get their minds boggled... 

Watch his hands! 

And now it's the Pauns' and the Caludes' turn to get their minds boggled... 

Tomoyuki Yamakami, Theologos Bountourelis, Arhondia Grammatikopolou, Symeon Bozapalidis, and Luigi Accardi. In the foreground: Anne de Naeyer and Franklin Lambert. 

Takeyuki Hida, Karl Gustafson, Ioannis Antoniou, and Tomoyuki Yamakami. 

Evgueni Karpov, a visitor, and Victor Ivanov. 

Erik Winfree reading. 

Penny Barry and Anne de Naeyer. 

Karl Gustafson. 

Slide of Karl Gustafson. 

I. Melnikov and Boris Pavlov. 

Michael Dinneen and Karl Svozil. 

Ulrich Guenther, S.C. Sung and H. Abe. 

Ulrich Guenther and Michael Dinneen in Brussels. 

Photos by Ulrich Guenther (Copyright © 2000).