DMTCS'96Accepted Papers |
Recognizing diameter critical graphs by Richard. P. Anstee and Lou Caccetta |
Hadwiger number for products of cycles by Paul Bonnington, Jozef Siran, Dan Archdeacon, and John Pearson |
Quantum electronic devices based on metal-dielectric transition
low-dimensional quantum structures by I. Antoniou, A. Yafyasov, and Boris Pavlov |
Proper bounded edge-colorings by Claudia Bertram-Kretzberg, Hanno Lefmann, Vojtech Rodl, and Beata Wysocka |
Sharply bounded alternation within P by Stephen Bloch, Jonathan Buss, and Judy Goldsmith |
A note on the growth rate of planar graphs by Neal Brand and Margaret Morton |
Secret sharing schemes based on room squares by Ghulam Rasool Chaudhry and Jennie Seberry |
A new pumping lemma for context-free languanges by Chrystopher Nehaniv, Masami Ito, Pal Domosi, and Masashi Katsura |
The parameterized complexity of relational database
queries and an improved characterization of W[1] by Rod G. Downey, Udayan Taylor, and Michael R. Fellows |
On the logical definability of some maximum leaves problems by Giulia Galbiati, Angelo Morzenti, and Francesco Maffioli |
The functional lambda abstraction algebras for a variety by Robert Goldblatt |
A formalization of anytime constraint satisfaction by Hans W. Guesgen |
The generating functions of lambda terms by Ryu Hasegawa |
Effectivity and effective continuity of functions
between computable metric spaces by Peter Hertling |
On shuffle closures of commutative regular languages by Masami Ito, B. Imreh, and Masashi Katsura |
A process algebraic view of linear logic by Padmanabhan Krishnan and Jane Hopkins |
Combinatorial properties of sequences in groups and
semigroups by Andrei Kelarev |
Categoricity and Scott families by Bakhadyr Khoussainov and Richard A. Shore |
Set Automata by Klaus-Jorn Lange and Klaus Reinhardt |
A condition for a normal semicycle to separate an
orientable 3-graph by Charles H. C. Little and Bruce van-Brunt |
A new proof search method for linear logic by Satoshi Matsuoka |
Computability structures on metric spaces by Takakazu Mori, Yoshiki Tsujii, and Mariko Yasugi |
EDT0L structual equivalence is decidable by Kai Salomaa and Sheng Yu |
k-regular matroids by Charles Semple |
Representations versus numberings: On the two
computability notions by Dieter Spreen |
The role of Kripke semantics in reasoning of knowledge
and time by Mouw-ching Tjiok |
Sierpinski's gasket, 2-groups and graph symmetries by Marston D. E. Conder and Cameron G. Walker |
Graph Classes between Parity and Distance-Hereditary Graphs by Serafino Cicerone and Gabriele Di Stefano |