Founded in 1990, “OVIDIUS” University has included in its Faculty of Sciences a Mathematics and Physics Department and starting with 1991 a Computer Science Department. Between 1992 and 1995 the above departments were part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Economics. Since 1995, “OVIDIUS” University has an independent Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FMCS).

         Due to the constant growth in the enrollment, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science created a Mathematics Department and a Postgraduate School that offer courses and training for Master and Ph. D. in Mathematics and Computer Science. Continuing education courses are also offered for those interested in pursuing careers in Mathematics and Computer Science.

         In the 2000-2001 academic year, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science had an enrollment of 800 students.


Academic staff

         At the beginning of the 2000-2001 academic year, the academic staff of FMCS consisted of 50 full-time scientists of whom 10 professors, 7 associate professors, 15 assistant professors, 10 instructors, 8 teaching assistants distributed among the three above mentioned Departments.


Educational facilities

         The University Library benefits of a modern newly renovated building and has a fund of more than half a million titles. The faculty has also a special Mathematics Library located close to the Center of Mathematics, with special study rooms and a fund of more than 6000 titles, which is growing each day.

         Students benefit also from modern teaching facilities, which include 2 large conference rooms, 4 lecture rooms, 5 seminar rooms, 10 computer labs and 10 physics labs. The Sports Center is located on the picturesque shores of Lake Mamaia and offers various entertainment opportunities including yachting, tennis, soccer, all supported by the Sports Department.


Student life

A limited numbers of fellowships are offered each year for students; they are distributed on merit or for those which need social help. All students benefit of student hostle and student mensa, sport activities at the stadium and the nautical club, theatre, philharmonic and opera, at low prices. They can communicate with students all over the world by Internet.





Majoring areas

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science offers the possibility of majoring in three areas: Mathematics, Mathematics-Computer Science and Mathematics-Physics. Our Postgraduate School offers one year courses and training towards the M. S. degree as well as research positions for students pursuing their doctoral degree.


Major in Mathematics (4 years)

         Students need to complete a two step training, each with a duration of two years.

         During the first stage (freshmen and sophomore) all students undergo the basic mathematical training in Mathematical Analysis, Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, basic computer skills, General Principles of Computer Programming, and  basic education in Physics, Molecular Physics, Mechanics, Electricity.

         For Mathematics major students, the second step (junior and senior years) consists of Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Probabilities-Statistics, Operations Research, Numerical Analysis, Convex Analysis and Variational Methods. In addition there are courses in the Foundations of Mathematics, Special Chapters of Algebra as well as special courses in Mathematical Education.


Major in Mathematics-Computer Science (4 years)

         For Mathematics-Computer Science major students, the junior and senior years consist of training in Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Probabilities-Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Convex Analysis Variational Methods, as well as special courses on Object Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, Assembly Languages, Computer Networks, Database Structures, Internet and Computer Graphics, Compilers, to which we add the special courses in Mathematical Education.


Major in Mathematics-Physics (4 years)

         For Mathematics-Physics major students, the second stage of training consists of Partial Differential Equations, Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics and the Theory of Relativity, Nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics and Semiconductors, Continuum Mechanics, Plasma physics and Lasers, Electronics, Kinetics Theory and Thermodynamics, Astronomy and Astrophysics.



         The University has the regular credit system that allows the transfer between different major areas.


College: Technology of Informatics (3 years) offers a medium training in Computer Science area.



Masters Degree (1 year)

         The studies towards the Masters Degree can be pursued in one of the following areas:

a.    Nonlinear Analysis;

b.    Groups and Algebras Representations;

c.    Computational Mathematics and Formal Languages;

d.    Financial Mathematics and Business Optimization (2 years).


Open Distance Education is also offered in:

·      Mathematics

·      Mathematics-Computer Science


Doctoral Degree

Doctoral studies can be pursued under the guidance of:

   Professor Mirela Stefanescu - Algebra;

   Professor Silviu Sburlan - Partial Differential Equations;

   Professor Dan Pascali - Partial Differential Equations;

   Professor Dan Luca Serbanati - Computer Science;

   Professor Cristian Calude - Computer Science.


Continuing Education

The Faculty of Mathematics provides Continuing Education courses to those interested in pursuing a career in Mathematics or Computer Science.

Many of courses are intended to be an aid to math teachers interested in improving their training.



There are a number of research groups in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science organized around professors leading doctoral research or groups working for different grants. Researches are directed in pure mathematics as well as in applied mathematics and computer science. The most recent grants with the National Ministry Council for University Research are:

-Variational and Topological Methods for Partial Differential Equations, project director - professor Silviu Sburlan;

-Homological Methods in the Study of Algebras and Groups, project director - professor Mirela Stefanescu.


The FMCS also publishes a large number of textbooks each year as well as a journal and seminar and survey series:

“Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius” - Seria Matematica;

“Surveys in Mathematics”;

“Seminars in Mathematics”.


The Faculty is also involved in the European Community TEMPUS and SOCRATES programs through a series of training activities concerning:

·      Management and Business Administration;

·      Computers and Economics;

·      Professional conversion of teachers towards computer training;

·      Management in Tourism;

·      Statistics and Informatics.


The FMCS is also involved in a series of joint research and training programs with Johannes Kepler University-Linz, Austria, University of Stuttgart – Germany ,University of Granada-Spain, Aristoteles University-Thessaloniki, Greece and Technical University of Budapest, Hungary.