VRML Part 5 logo

6 Encoding of nodes

--- VRML separator bar ---

+ 6.1 Introduction

This clause mapping of each node defined in Part 1 of this standard to the binary format defined in this part of ISO/IEC 14772. Table 6.1 lists the topics in this clause.

Table 6.1 -- Table of contents

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Anchor
6.3 Appearance
6.4 AudioClip
6.5 Background
6.6 Billboard
6.7 Box
6.8 Collision
6.9 Color
6.10 ColorInterpolator
6.11 Cone
6.12 Coordinate
6.13 CoordinateInterpolator
6.14 Cylinder
6.15 CylinderSensor
6.16 DirectionalLight
6.17 ElevationGrid
6.18 Extrusion
6.19 Fog
6.20 FontStyle
6.21 Group
6.22 ImageTexture
6.23 IndexedFaceSet
6.24 IndexedLineSet
6.25 Inline
6.26 LOD
6.27 Material
6.28 MovieTexture
6.29 NavigationInfo
6.30 Normal
6.31 NormalInterpolator
6.32 OrientationInterpolator
6.33 PixelTexture
6.34 PlaneSensor
6.35 PointLight
6.36 PointSet
6.37 PositionInterpolator
6.38 ProximitySensor
6.39 ScalarInterpolator
6.40 Script
6.41 Shape
6.42 Sound
6.43 Sphere
6.44 SphereSensor
6.45 SpotLight
6.46 Switch
6.47 Text
6.48 TextureCoordinate
6.49 TextureTransform
6.50 TimeSensor
6.51 TouchSensor
6.52 Transform
6.53 Viewpoint
6.54 VisibilitySensor
6.55 WorldInfo

Node encoding Rules go here.

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.2 Anchor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.3 Appearance

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.4 AudioClip

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.5 Background

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.6 Billboard

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.7 Box

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.8 Collision

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.9 Color

--- VRML separator bar ---

+ 6.10 ColorInterpolator

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.11 Cone

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.12 Coordinate

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.13 CoordinateInterpolator

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.14 Cylinder

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.15 CylinderSensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.16 DirectionalLight

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.17 ElevationGrid

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.18 Extrusion

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.19 Fog

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.20 FontStyle

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.21 Group

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.22 ImageTexture

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.23 IndexedFaceSet

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.24 IndexedLineSet

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.25 Inline

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.26 LOD

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.27 Material

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.28 MovieTexture

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.29 NavigationInfo

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.30 Normal

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.31 NormalInterpolator

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.32 OrientationInterpolator

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.33 PixelTexture

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.34 PlaneSensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.35 PointLight

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.36 PointSet

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.37 PositionInterpolator

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.38 ProximitySensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.39 ScalarInterpolator

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.40 Script

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.41 Shape

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.42 Sound

Sound { 
  exposedField SFVec3f  direction     0 0 1   # (-,)
  exposedField SFFloat  intensity     1       # [0,1]
  exposedField SFVec3f  location      0 0 0   # (-,)
  exposedField SFFloat  maxBack       10      # [0,)
  exposedField SFFloat  maxFront      10      # [0,)
  exposedField SFFloat  minBack       1       # [0,)
  exposedField SFFloat  minFront      1       # [0,)
  exposedField SFFloat  priority      0       # [0,1]
  exposedField SFNode   source        NULL
  field        SFBool   spatialize    TRUE

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.43 Sphere

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.44 SphereSensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.45 SpotLight

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.46 Switch

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.47 Text

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.48 TextureCoordinate

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.49 TextureTransform

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.50 TimeSensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.51 TouchSensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.52 Transform

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.53 Viewpoint

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.54 VisibilitySensor

--- VRML separator bar ---

+6.55 WorldInfo

--- VRML separator bar ---