Computer Science

ZDUMP(8)                                                 ZDUMP(8)

       zdump - time zone dumper

       zdump [ -v ] [ -c cutoffyear ] [ zonename ... ]

       Zdump  prints  the  current time in each zonename named on
       the command line.

       These options are available:

       -v     For each zonename on the command  line,  print  the
              time  at  the  lowest possible time value, the time
              one day after the lowest possible time  value,  the
              times  both  one  second before and exactly at each
              detected time discontinuity, the time  at  one  day
              less  than the highest possible time value, and the
              time at the highest possible time value, Each  line
              ends  with  isdst=1  if  the given time is Daylight
              Saving Time or isdst=0 otherwise.

       -c cutoffyear
              Cut off the verbose output near the  start  of  the
              given year.

       newctime(3), tzfile(5), zic(8)


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