Computer Science

J0(3)               Linux Programmer's Manual               J0(3)

       j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn - Bessel functions

       #include <math.h>

       double j0(double x);

       double j1(double x);

       double jn(int n, double x);

       double y0(double x);

       double y1(double x);

       double yn(int n, double x);

       The  j0()  and j1() functions return Bessel functions of x
       of the first kind of orders 0 and  1,  respectively.   The
       jn()  function  returns  the  Bessel  function of x of the
       first kind of order n.

       The y0() and y1() functions return Bessel functions  of  x
       of  the  second kind of orders 0 and 1, respectively.  The
       yn() function returns the Bessel function of x of the sec-
       ond kind of order n.

       For the functions y0(), y1() and yn(), the value of x must
       be positive.  For negative values of  x,  these  functions
       return -HUGE_VAL.

       SVID 3, BSD 4.3

       There  are errors of up to 2e-16 in the values returned by
       j0(), j1() and jn() for values of x between -8 and 8.

                          June 26, 1993                         1

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