Computer Science

WHOM(1)                                                   WHOM(1)

       whom - report to whom a message would go

       whom [-alias aliasfile] [-check] [-nocheck] [-draft]
            [-draftfolder +folder] [-draftmessage msg]
            [-nodraftfolder] [file] [-version] [-help]

       Whom is used to expand the headers of a message into a set
       of addresses and optionally verify  that  those  addresses
       are deliverable at that time (if `-check' is given).

       The    `-draftfolder +folder'    and   `-draftmessage msg'
       switches invoke the nmh draft folder facility.  This is an
       advanced  (and  highly  useful)  feature.  Consult the mh-
       draft(5) man page for more information.

       The files specified by the profile entry "Aliasfile:"  and
       any additional alias files given by the `-alias aliasfile'
       switch will be read (more than one file,  each   preceeded
       by  `-alias',  can  be  named).  See mh-alias (5) for more

       ^$HOME/.mh_profile~^The user profile ^Path:~^To  determine
       the  user's  nmh  directory  ^Draft-Folder:~^To  find  the
       default draft-folder ^Aliasfile:~^For a default alias file
       ^postproc:~^Program   to  post  the  message  mh-alias(5),
       post(8)  `file'  defaults  to  <mh-dir>/draft   `-nocheck'
       `-alias   /etc/nmh/MailAliases'  None  With  the  `-check'
       option, whom makes no guarantees that the addresses listed
       as  being  ok  are  really deliverable, rather, an address
       being listed as ok means that at the time  that  whom  was
       run  the  address  was  thought  to  be deliverable by the
       transport service.  For local addresses, this is absolute;
       for  network  addresses,  it means that the host is known;
       for uucp addresses, it (often) means that the UUCP network
       is available for use.

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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