Computer Science

uulog(1)                                                 uulog(1)

       uulog - display UUCP log entries

       uulog  [-#]  [-n  lines]  [-sf  system]  [-u  user] [-DSF]
       [--lines lines] [--system system] [--user  user]  [--debu-
       glog]  [--statslog] [--follow] [--follow=system] [standard
       UUCP options]

       The uulog program can be used to display  entries  in  the
       UUCP log file.  It can select the entries for a particular
       system or a particular user.  You can use it to  see  what
       has happened to your queued jobs in the past.

       The following options may be given to uulog.

       -#, -n lines, --lines lines
            Here  `#'  is  a  number; e.g., `-10'.  The specified
            number of lines is displayed from the end of the  log
            file.  The default is to display the entire log file,
            unless the `-f',  `-F',  or  `--follow'  options  are
            used,  in  which  case  the  default is to display 10

       -s system, --system system
            Display only log entries pertaining to the  specified

       -u user, --user user
            Display  only log entries pertaining to the specified

       -D, --debuglog
            Display the debugging log file.

       -S, --statslog
            Display the statistics log file.  -F,  --follow  Keep
            displaying  the  log file forever, printing new lines
            as they are appended to the log file.

       -f system, --follow=system
            Keep displaying the log file forever, displaying only
            log entries pertaining to the specified system.

       -X type

       --debug type

       -I file

       --config file

       -v, --version

            Standard UUCP options.  Note that uulog specifies the
            debugging type using `-X' rather than the usual `-x'.

       The  operation  of  uulog  depends to some degree upon the
       type of log files generated by the UUCP programs.  This is
       a  compile  time  option.   If the UUCP programs have been
       compiled to use HDB style log files, uulog changes in  the
       following ways:

       The  new options `-x' and `--uuxqtlog' may be used to list
       the uuxqt log file.

       It is no longer possible to omit  all  arguments:  one  of
       `-s',  `--system', `-f', `--follow=system', `-D', `--debu-
       glog', `-S', `--statslog', `-x', or `--uuxqtlog'  must  be

       The  option  `--system  ANY'  may be used to list log file
       entries which do not pertain to any particular system.


       Ian Lance Taylor (  This  Manpage  based  on
       the Taylor UUCP 1.06 Texinfo documentation.

                         Taylor UUCP 1.06                       1

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