Computer Science

USERNETCTL(1)                                       USERNETCTL(1)

       usernetctl  -  allow a user to manipulate a network inter-
       face if permitted

       usernetctl interface-name up|down|report

       usernetctl checks to see if users are allowed  to  manipu-
       late  the  network  interface specified by interface-name,
       and then tries to bring the network interface up or  down,
       if  up  or  down  was  specified  on  the command line, or
       returns true or false status (respectively) if the  report
       option was specified.

              The  name  of  the  network interface to check; for
              example,  "ppp0".   For  backwards   compatibility,
              "ifcfg-ppp0"      and      "/etc/sysconfig/network-
              scripts/ifcfg-ppp0" are also supported.

              Attempt to bring the interface up or down.

       report Report on whether users can bring the interface  up
              or down.

       Alternate  device  configurations  may inherit the default
       configuration's permissions.

RHS                      Red Hat Software                       1

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