Computer Science

UNBUFFER(1)                                           UNBUFFER(1)

       unbuffer - unbuffer output

       unbuffer program [ args ]

       unbuffer  disables  the  output buffering that occurs when
       program output is redirected.  For  example,  suppose  you
       are  watching the output from a fifo by running it through
       od and then more.

            od -c /tmp/fifo | more

       You will not see anything until a full page of output  has
       been produced.

       You can disable this automatic buffering as follows:

            unbuffer od -c /tmp/fifo | more

       The man page is longer than the program.

       "Exploring  Expect:  A  Tcl-Based  Toolkit  for Automating
       Interactive Programs" by Don Libes, O'Reilly  and  Associ-
       ates, January 1995.

       Don Libes, National Institute of Standards and Technology

                           1 June 1994                          1

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