Computer Science

TT(6)                                                       TT(6)

       tt - a hoopy real-time puzzle-game.

       tt [ -s | -s# ] [ -b ] [ -l# ]

       The program tt is an implementation of the well-known game
       Tetris.   Quadominoes  (groups  of  four  squares   joined
       orthogonally  together) fall slowly down the screen, accu-
       mulating at the bottom, and when the pile reaches  to  top
       of  the screen the game is over.   The pieces may be moved
       to the left or right, and rotated as they fall,  with  the
       aim  of  making them tessellate with the pieces already at
       the bottom of the game area.  The height of the  stack  of
       pieces  can  be  reduced  by  filling a complete row of 10
       squares, at which point that row will disappear, and those
       above  will fall down into its place.  It is possible (and
       desirable) to destroy multiple rows at once.

       The keys with which these operations can  be  accomplished
       are  displayed  on  the screen during play.  The game also
       recognises a suspend key and a quit key,  with  which  the
       game  can be suspended or quit.  Incredible, huh?  I mean,
       who would have thought it?

       In between games, when the program is waiting for  a  key-
       press  before  restarting,  pressing  the <n> or <ESC> key
       will end the session.

       The high-score table stores only a single score  for  each
       user  at  any  game-level.   Thus a user exceeding his own
       level-0 high-score would have his old entry in  the  high-
       score  table  (if  any) replaced with the new score.  How-
       ever, a single user may  have  multiple  high-score  table
       entries for different game-levels.

       The  author recommends that the optimal game-levels are 0,
       10 and -6

       -s     If the -s flag is set, then tt will print  the  top
              10 entries in the high-score table.

       -s#    If  a  number is specified, then tt will print that
              many high-score entries, up to a pre-defined  maxi-

       -b     If  the  -b flag is set, then tt will rotate pieces
              backwards (ie. clockwise), for  compatibility  with
              the  grotty versions of Tetris available on the BBC
              micro and other such machines.  (The default  anti-
              clockwise  rotation  is  compatible with the tetris
              and mex program mentioned below)

       -l#    If the -l flag is set, then tt  will  play  on  the
              level  specified, which must be between -10 and 20.
              Each level of play starts at the  same  speed,  and
              increases  in speed at the same rate. They are dif-
              ferentiated only by the fact that  non-zero  levels
              drop  a  number  of  pieces,  equal to the absolute
              value of the level, onto the screen before the game
              starts.    Negative  levels  drop  pieces  down the
              middle of the screen, positive  levels  place  them

       The environment variable TTNAME contains, if set, the name
       which will be used in the  high-score  table,  if  a  good
       enough  score  is  obtained  to  merit inclusion.  If this
       variable is not set, tt will use the environment  variable
       NAME  and  if  this is also not set, the user-code will be

       /usr/local/etc/ttscores -- high-score table.
       /usr/local/etc/ttlock -- lock file for high-score table.

       mundi(6), tetris(6), mex(6)

       The program tt was written by Mike Taylor (
       wick.cs)  and  modified  by  Thomas Meisterburg (tmeister-, based on the original Tetris  idea,
       by a frustratingly anonymous "Russian Researcher".

       None known -- Please report any bugs to the author.

                         1 February 1983                        1

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