Computer Science

toe(1M)                                                   toe(1M)

       toe - table of (terminfo) entries

       toe [-v[n]] [-huUV] file...

       With no options, toe lists all available terminal types by
       primary name with descriptions.   File  arguments  specify
       the  directories  to  be scanned; if no such arguments are
       given, your default terminfo directory is scanned.  If you
       also  specify  the  -h  option, a directory header will be
       issued as each directory is entered.

       There are other options intended for use by terminfo  file

       -u file
              says to issue a report on dependencies in the given
              file. This report  condenses  the  `use'  relation:
              each  line consists of the primary name of a termi-
              nal that has use capabilities, followed by a colon,
              followed  by the whitespace-separated primary names
              of all terminals which occur in those use capabili-
              ties, followed by a newline

       -U file
              says  to  issue a report on reverse dependencies in
              the given file.  This  report  reverses  the  `use'
              relation: each line consists of the primary name of
              a terminal that occurs in  use  capabilities,  fol-
              lowed  by a colon, followed by the whitespace-sepa-
              rated primary names of all terminals  which  depend
              on it, followed by a newline.

       -vn    specifies that (verbose) output be written to stan-
              dard  error   trace   information   showing   toe's
              progress.   The optional integer n is a number from
              1 to 10, interpreted as for tic(1).

       -V   prints out the version of the program in use on stan-
            dard error and exits.

            Compiled terminal description database.

       tic(1M),    infocmp(1M),   captoinfo(1M),   infotocap(1M),
       curses(3X), terminfo(5).


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