Computer Science

TIME(2)             Linux Programmer's Manual             TIME(2)

       time - get time in seconds

       #include <time.h>

       time_t time(time_t *t);

       time  returns the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, Jan-
       uary 1, 1970), measured in seconds.

       If t is non-NULL, the return value is also stored  in  the
       memory pointed to by t.

       On  success,  the value of time in seconds since the Epoch
       is returned.  On  error,  ((time_t)-1)  is  returned,  and
       errno is set appropriately.

       EFAULT  t points outside your accessible address space.

       POSIX.1  defines  seconds since the Epoch as a value to be
       interpreted as the number of seconds between  a  specified
       time  and the Epoch, according to a formula for conversion
       from UTC equivalent to conversion on the nave  basis  that
       leap  seconds are ignored and all years divisible by 4 are
       leap years.  This value is not the same as the actual num-
       ber  of seconds between the time and the Epoch, because of
       leap seconds and because clocks are  not  required  to  be
       synchronised  to  a  standard reference.  The intention is
       that the interpretation of seconds since the Epoch  values
       be  consistent;  see  POSIX.1  Annex  B  2.2.2 for further

       SVr4, SVID, POSIX, X/OPEN, BSD 4.3
       Under BSD 4.3, this call is obsoleted by  gettimeofday(2).
       POSIX does not specify any error conditions.

       ctime(3), date(1), ftime(3), gettimeofday(2)

Linux 2.0.30             9 September 1997                       1

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