Computer Science

tifftopnm(1)                                         tifftopnm(1)

       tifftopnm - convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap

       tifftopnm [-headerdump] tifffile

       Reads a TIFF file as input.  Produces a portable anymap as
       output.  The type of the output file depends on the  input
       file  - if it's black & white, a pbm file is written, else
       if it's grayscale a pgm file, else a ppm file.   The  pro-
       gram tells you which type it is writing.

              Dump  TIFF file information to stderr.  This infor-
              mation may be useful in debugging TIFF file conver-
              sion problems.

       All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique pre-

       pnmtotiff(1), pnm(5)

       This program is not self-contained.  To use  it  you  must
       fetch  the  TIFF Software package listed in the OTHER.SYS-
       TEMS file and configure PBMPLUS to use libtiff.  See  PBM-
       PLUS's Makefile for details on this configuration.

       Derived  by  Jef  Poskanzer from tif2ras.c, which is Copy-
       right (c) 1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Author:  Patrick
       J. Naughton (

                         13 January 1991                        1

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