Computer Science

TIFFCMP(1)                                             TIFFCMP(1)

       tiffcmp - compare two TIFF files

       tiffcmp [ options ] file1.tif file2.tif

       Tiffcmp  compares  the  tags and data in two files created
       according to the Tagged Image File Format,  Revision  6.0.
       The  schemes  used  for  compressing data in each file are
       immaterial when data are compared-data are compared  on  a
       scanline-by-scanline   basis  after  decompression.   Most
       directory  tags  are  checked;  notable  exceptions   are:
       GrayResponseCurve,  ColorResponseCurve, and ColorMap tags.
       Data will not be compared if  any  of  the  BitsPerSample,
       SamplesPerPixel,  or  ImageWidth values are not equal.  By
       default, tiffcmp will terminate if it encounters any  dif-

       -l     List  each  byte of image data that differs between
              the files.

       -t     Ignore any differences in directory tags.

       Tags that are not recognized by the library are  not  com-
       pared; they may also generate spurious diagnostics.

       pal2rgb(1),    tiffinfo(1),    tiffcp(1),   tiffmedian(1),

                        September 26, 1994                      1

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