Computer Science

THUMBNAIL(1)                                         THUMBNAIL(1)

       thumbnail - create a TIFF file with thumbnail images

       thumbnail [ options ] input.tif output.tif

       thumbnail  is  a program written to show how one might use
       the SubIFD tag (#330) to store thumbnail  images.   thumb-
       nail  copies  a  TIFF Class F facsimile file to the output
       file and for  each  image  an  8-bit  greyscale  thumbnail
       sketch.  The output file contains the thumbnail image with
       the associated full-resolution page linked below with  the
       SubIFD tag.

       By  default,  thumbnail  images are 216 pixels wide by 274
       pixels high.  Pixels are calculated by sampling  and  fil-
       tering  the  input  image  with  each  pixel  value passed
       through a contrast curve.

       -w     Specify the width of thumbnail images in pixels.

       -h     Specify the height of thumbnail images in pixels.

       -c     Specify a contrast curve to apply in generating the
              thumbnail  images.   By  default  pixels values are
              passed through a linear contrast curve that  simply
              maps  the  pixel  value ranges.  Alternative curves
              are: exp50 for a 50% exponential curve, exp60 for a
              60%  exponential curve, exp70 for a 70% exponential
              curve, exp80 for a 80% exponential curve, exp90 for
              a 90% exponential curve, exp for a pure exponential
              curve, linear for a linear curve.

       There are no options to control the format  of  the  saved
       thumbnail images.

       tiffdump(1), tiffgt(1), tiffinfo(1), libtiff(3)

                        September 26, 1994                      1

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