Computer Science

TEXI2HTML(1)                                         TEXI2HTML(1)

       texi2html - a Texinfo to HTML converter

       texi2html [options] file

       texi2html -check [-verbose] files

       Texi2html converts the given Texinfo file to a set of HTML
       files. It tries to handle most of the Texinfo commands. It
       creates hypertext links for cross-references, footnotes...

       It also tries to add links from a reference to its  corre-
       sponding  entry  in the bibliography (if any). It may also
       handle a glossary (see the -glossary option).

       Texi2html creates several files depending on the  contents
       of the Texinfo file and on the chosen options (see FILES).

       The HTML files created by texi2html are closer to TeX than
       to Info, that's why texi2html converts @iftex sections and
       not @ifinfo ones by default. You can reverse this with the
       -expandinfo option.

       -check      Check  the given file and give the list of all
                   things that may be Texinfo commands.  This may
                   be  used  to  check the output of texi2html to
                   find the Texinfo commands that have been  left
                   in the HTML file.

       -expandinfo Expand @ifinfo sections, not @iftex ones.

       -glossary   Use  the  section  named 'Glossary' to build a
                   list of terms and put links in the HTML  docu-
                   ment from each term toward its definition.

       -invisible name
                   Use   name  to  create  invisible  destination
                   anchors for index links. This is a  workaround
                   for  a known bug of many WWW browsers, includ-
                   ing xmosaic.

       -I dir      Look also in dir to find included files.

       -menu       Show the Texinfo menus; by  default  they  are

       -monolithic Output  only  one file, including the table of
                   contents and footnotes.

       -number     Number the sections.

                   Split the output into several HTML files  (one
                   per main section: chapter, appendix...).

       -split_node Split  the output into several HTML files (one
                   per node).

       -usage      Print usage instructions, listing the  current
                   available command-line options.

       -verbose    Give  a  verbose  output. Can be used with the
                   -check option.

       By default texi2html  creates  the  following  files  (foo
       being the name of the Texinfo file):

       foo_toc.html    The table of contents.

       foo.html        The document's contents.

       foo_foot.html   The footnotes (if any).

       When used with the -split option, it creates several files
       (one per chapter or node), named foo_n.html (n  being  the
       indice  of  the  chapter  or  node), instead of the single
       foo.html file.

       When used with the -monolithic option, it creates only one
       file: foo.html

       texi2html   predefines   the  following  variables:  html,

       texi2html implements the following non-Texinfo commands:

       @ifhtml         This indicates the start of an  HTML  sec-
                       tion,  this  section  will  passed through
                       without any modofication.

       @end ifhtml     This indcates the end of an HTML  section.

       This is texi2html version 1.51, 09/10/96.

       The  latest  version of texi2html can be found in WWW, cf.

       The  main  author  is  Lionel   Cons,   CERN   CN/DCI/UWS,   Many  other  people  around the net
       contributed to this program.

       This program is the intellectual property of the  European
       Laboratory  for Particle Physics (known as CERN). No guar-
       antee whatsoever is provided by CERN. No liability whatso-
       ever  is  accepted  for  any  loss  or  damage of any kind
       resulting from any defect or inaccuracy in  this  informa-
       tion or code.

       CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

       GNU  Texinfo  Documentation  Format, HyperText Markup Lan-
       guage (HTML), World Wide Web (WWW).

       This program does  not  understand  all  Texinfo  commands

       TeX  specific  commands (normally enclosed in @iftex) will
       be passed unmodified.

                             09/10/96                           1

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