Computer Science

TCP(4)              Linux Programmer's Manual              TCP(4)

       tcp - TCP protocol.

       #include <sys/socket.h>
       #include <netinet/in.h>
       tcp_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

       This  is  an implementation of the TCP protocol defined in
       RFC793, RFC1122 and RFC2001 with the  NewReno  extensions.
       It  implements  a  reliable  stream  oriented  full duplex
       stream between two sockets. TCP ensures that  packets  are
       not  reordered and retransmits them when they are dropped.
       It generates and checks a per  packet  checksum  to  catch
       transmission errors.

       A  fresh  TCP socket has no remote or local address and is
       not fully specified.  To create an outgoing TCP connection
       the connect(2) function is called on the socket. To accept
       incoming connections bind(2) the socket first to  a  local
       address  and  port  and  then  call listen(2) to allow the
       accepting of incoming connections. Then use  accept(2)  to
       get a new socket with the incoming connection. The listen-
       ing socket stays. After accept(2) or connect(2)  a  socket
       is fully specified.  Data may be only transferred on fully
       specified sockets.

       When the initial  connection  request  packet  carries  IP
       options and the accept_source_routes sysctl is enabled all
       outgoing datagrams  on  this  connection  will  carry  the
       reversed source route.

       Linux 2.2 supports the RFC1323 TCP high performance exten-
       sions.  They include window scaling to support large  win-
       dows  and  the  timestamp  option  with protection against
       wrapped sequence numbers (  PAWS  ).   Large  windows  are
       needed for good performance over links with long latencies
       or very high bandwidth. To use them the send  and  receive
       buffers have to be increased from the default values. This
       can    be    either    done     globally     using     the
       net.core.wmen_default  and  net.core.rmem_default sysctls,
       or on a per socket basis using the SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF
       socket  options.  The maximum receive buffer size settable
       on a socket is limited by the global net.core.rmem_max and
       net.core.wmem_max sysctls. See socket(4) for more informa-

       TCP supports urgent data. Urgent data is  used  to  signal
       the  receiver  that  some important message is part of the
       data stream and that is should be  processed  as  soon  as
       possible.   To send urgent data specify the MSG_OOB option
       to sendfile(2).  When urgent data is received  the  kernel
       sends  an SIGURG signal to the reading process or the pro-
       cess or process group that has been  set  for  the  socket
       using   the  FIOCSPGRP  or  FIOCSETOWN  ioctls.  When  the
       SO_OOBINLINE socket option is enabled urgent data  is  put
       into  the normal data stream (and can be tested for by the
       SIOCATMARK ioctl), otherwise it can be only received  when
       the MSG_OOB flag is set for sendmsg(2).NotethatLinuxperde-
       faultusestheBSDcompatible  interpretation  of  the  urgent
       pointer field, see the tcp_stdurg sysctl below.

       TCP  is  built on top of IP (see ip(4)).  The address for-
       mats defined by ip(4) apply  to  TCP.  TCP  only  supports
       point-to-point  communication; broadcasting and multicast-
       ing are not supported.

       These sysctls can be accessed by the  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/*
       files  or  with the sysctl(2) interface. In addition, most
       IP sysctls also apply to TCP; see ip(4).

              Enable RFC1323 TCP window scaling.

              Enable RFC2018 TCP Selective Acknowledgements.

              Enable RFC1323 TCP timestamps.

              How many seconds to wait for  a  final  FIN  packet
              before  the  socket  is  forcibly  closed.  This is
              strictly a violation of the TCP specification,  but
              required to prevent denial-of-service attacks.

              Maximum TCP keep-alive probes to send before giving
              up. Keep-alives are only send when the SO_KEEPALIVE
              socket option is enabled.

              How  often  keep-alives  are  sent on a connection.
              Defined in seconds. Default is 2 hours.

              How many keep-alive probes are sent per slow  timer
              run.  To  prevent  bursts, this value should not be
              set too high.

              Enable the strict RFC793 interpretation of the  TCP
              urgent-pointer  field.   The  default is to use the
              BSD-compatible  interpretation   of   the   urgent-
              pointer,  pointing  to  the  first  byte  after the
              urgent data. The RFC793 interpretation is  to  have
              it  point to the last byte of urgent data. Enabling
              this option may lead  to  interoperatibility  prob-

              Enable  TCP syncookies. The kernel must be compiled
              with CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES.   They  defend  against  a
              particular  TCP denial-of-service attack. Note that
              the concept of a socket backlog is abandoned;  this
              means  the peer may not receive reliable error mes-
              sages from an  overloaded  server  with  syncookies

              Length of the per-socket backlog queue. As of Linux
              2.2, the backlog specified in listen(2) only speci-
              fies  the  length  of  the backlog queue of already
              established sockets.  The maximum queue of  sockets
              not  yet established (in SYN_RECV state) per listen
              socket is set by this sysctl. When more  connection
              requests arrive, Linux starts to drop packets. When
              syncookies,  are  enabled  the  packets  are  still
              answered  and  the  maximum  queue  is  effectively

              Defines how many times an answer to a  TCP  connec-
              tion request is retransmited before giving up.

              Defines  how many times a TCP packet is retransmit-
              ted in established state before giving up.

              Defines how many times to try to  send  an  initial
              SYN  packet  to  a remote host before giving up and
              returns an error. Must be below 255.  This is  only
              the  timeout for outgoing connections; for incoming
              connections the number of retransmits is defined by
              tcp_retries1.  tcp_retries1.

              Try  to  send full-sized packets during retransmit.
              This is used  to  work  around  TCP  bugs  in  some

       To  set  or get a TCP socket option, call getsockopt(2) to
       read or setsockopt(2) to write the option with the  socket
       family  argument set to SOL_TCP.  In addition, most SOL_IP
       socket options are valid on TCP sockets. For more informa-
       tion see ip(4).

              Turn the Nagle algorithm off. This means that pack-
              ets are always sent as  soon  as  possible  and  no
              unnecessary  delays  are introduced, at the cost of
              more packets in the  network.  Expects  an  integer
              boolean flag.

              Set  or receive the maximum segment size for outgo-
              ing TCP packets. If this option is set before  con-
              nection  establishment,  it  also  changes  the MSS
              value announced to the other  end  in  the  initial
              packet.  Values  greater than the interface MTU are
              ignored and have no effect.

              If enabled don't  send  out  partial  frames.   All
              queued  partial  frames are sent when the option is
              cleared again.  This is useful for prepending head-
              ers  before  calling sendfile(2), or for throughput
              optimization. This option cannot be  combined  with

       These  ioctls can be accessed using ioctl(2).  The correct
       syntax is:

              int value;
              error = ioctl(tcp_socket, ioctl_type, &value);

              Returns the amount of queued  unread  data  in  the
              receive  buffer.  Argument is a pointer to an inte-

              Returns true when the  all  urgent  data  has  been
              already received by the user program.  This is used
              together with SO_OOBINLINE.  Argument is an pointer
              to an integer for the test result.

              Returns  the  amount  of  unsent data in the socket
              send queue. Argument is an integer.

       When a network error  occurs,  TCP  tries  to  resend  the
       packet.  If  it  doesn't  succeed  after some time, either
       ETIMEDOUT or the last received error on this connection is

       Some  applications  require  a quicker error notification.
       This can be  enabled  with  the  SOL_IP  level  IP_RECVERR
       socket  option.  When this option is enabled, all incoming
       errors are immediately passed to the  user  program.   Use
       this  option  with  care  -  it makes TCP less tolerant to
       routing changes and other normal network conditions.

       When the other end  closes  the  socket  without  doing  a
       proper  closing  handshake, a SIGPIPE signal is raised and
       EPIPE is returned. This can be prevented by the MSG_NOSIG-
       NAL flag.

       EPIPE   The other end closed the socket unexpectedly.

               The  other  end  didn't  acknowledge retransmitted
               data after some time.

               Passed socket address type in sin_family  was  not

       Any  errors  defined for ip(4) or the generic socket layer
       may also be returned for TCP.

       Not all errors are documented.

       IPv6 is not described.

       Transparent proxy options are not described.

       The  sysctls  are  new  in  Linux  2.2.   IP_RECVERR   and
       MSG_NOSIGNAL  are a new feature in Linux 2.2.  TCP_CORK is
       new in 2.2.

       socket(4), socket(2), ip(4), sendmsg(2), recvmsg(2)

Linux Man Page              3 Oct 1998                          1

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