Computer Science

SYSFS(2)            Linux Programmer's Manual            SYSFS(2)

       sysfs - get file system type information

       int sysfs(int option, const char * fsname);

       int sysfs(int option, unsigned int fs_index, char * buf);

       int sysfs(int option);

       sysfs returns information about the file system types cur-
       rently present in the kernel. The  specific  form  of  the
       sysfs  call  and  the  information returned depends on the
       option in effect:

       1      Translate the file-system identifier string  fsname
              into a file-system type index.

       2      Translate  the file-system type index fs_index into
              a null-terminated  file-system  identifier  string.
              This  string  will be written to the buffer pointed
              to by buf.  Make sure that buf has enough space  to
              accept the string.

       3      Return  the  total number of file system types cur-
              rently present in the kernel.

       The numbering of the file-system type indexes begins  with

       On success, sysfs returns the file-system index for option
       1, zero for option 2, and the number of currently  config-
       ured file systems for option 3.  On error, -1 is returned,
       and errno is set appropriately.

       EINVAL fsname is not a valid file-system type  identifier;
              fs_index is out-of-bounds; option is invalid.

       EFAULT Either  fsname  or  buf  is outside your accessible
              address space.


Linux 1.3.16              9 August 1995                         1

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