Computer Science
Section 4 - SQL Commands (COMMANDS)
General Information
The following is a description of the general syntax of
SQL. Individual SQL statements and commands are treated
separately in the document; this section describes the
syntactic classes from which the constituent parts of SQL
statements are drawn.
A comment is an arbitrary sequence of characters following
double dashes up to the end of the line. We also support
double-slashes as comments, e.g.:
-- This is a standard SQL comment
// And this is another supported comment style, like C++
We also support C-style comments, e.g.:
/* multi
comment */
Names in SQL are sequences of less than NAMEDATALEN
alphanumeric characters, starting with an alphabetic char-
acter. By default, NAMEDATALEN is set to 32, but at the
time the system is built, NAMEDATALEN can be changed by
changing the #ifdef in src/backend/include/postgres.h.
Underscore ("_") is considered an alphabetic character.
The following identifiers are reserved for use as keywords
and may not be used otherwise:
In addition, all Postgres classes have several predefined
attributes used by the system.
There are six types of constants for use in SQL. They are
described below.
String Constants
Strings in SQL are arbitrary sequences of ASCII characters
bounded by single quotes (' '). Uppercase alphabetics
within strings are accepted literally. Non-printing char-
acters may be embedded within strings by prepending them
with a backslash, e.g., `\n'. Also, in order to embed
quotes within strings, it is necessary to prefix them with
`\' . The same convention applies to `\' itself. Because
of the limitations on instance sizes, string constants are
currently limited to a length of a little less than 8192
bytes. Larger objects may be created using the Postgres
Large Object interface.
Integer Constants
Integer constants in SQL are collection of ASCII digits
with no decimal point. Legal values range from
-2147483647 to +2147483647. This will vary depending on
the operating system and host machine.
Floating Point Constants
Floating point constants consist of an integer part, a
decimal point, and a fraction part or scientific notation
of the following format:
{<dig>} .{<dig>} [e [+-] {<dig>}]
Where <dig> is a digit. You must include at least one
<dig> after the period and after the [+-] if you use those
options. An exponent with a missing mantissa has a man-
tissa of 1 inserted. There may be no extra characters
embedded in the string. Floating point constaints are of
type float4.
Constants of Postgres User-Defined Types
A constant of an arbitrary type can be entered using the
CAST 'string' AS type-name
The value inside the string is passed to the input conver-
sion routine for the type called type-name. The result is
a constant of the indicated type. The explicit typecast
may be omitted if there is no ambiguity as to the type the
constant must be, in which case it is automatically
Array constants
Array constants are arrays of any Postgres type, including
other arrays, string constants, etc. The general format
of an array constant is the following:
Where <delim> is the delimiter for the type stored in the
"pg_type" class. (For built-in types, this is the comma
character, ",".) An example of an array constant is
This constant is a two-dimensional, 3 by 3 array consist-
ing of three sub-arrays of integers.
Individual array elements can and should be placed between
quotation marks whenever possible to avoid ambiguity prob-
lems with respect to leading white space.
A field is either an attribute of a given class or one of
the following:
Oid stands for the unique identifier of an instance which
is added by Postgres to all instances automatically. Oids
are not reused and are 32 bit quantities.
Xmin, cmin, xmax and cmax stand respectively for the iden-
tity of the inserting transaction, the command identifier
within the transaction, the identity of the deleting
transaction and its associated deleting command. For fur-
ther information on these fields consult [STON87]. Times
are represented internally as instances of the "abstime"
data type. Transaction and command identifiers are 32 bit
quantities. Transactions are assigned sequentially start-
ing at 512.
A column is a construct of the form:
Instance-variable{.composite_field}.field `['number`]'
Instance-variable identifies a particular class and can be
thought of as standing for the instances of that class.
An instance variable is either a class name, a surrogate
for a class defined by means of a from clause, or the key-
word new or current. New and current can only appear in
the action portion of a rule, while other instance vari-
ables can be used in any SQL statement. Composite_field
is a field of of one of the Postgres composite types indi-
cated in the pgbuiltin(l) section, while successive com-
posite fields address attributes in the class(s) to which
the composite field evaluates. Lastly, field is a normal
(base type) field in the class(s) last addressed. If
field is of type array, then the optional number designa-
tor indicates a specific element in the array. If no num-
ber is indicated, then all array elements are returned.
Any built-in system, or user-defined operator may be used
in SQL. For the list of built-in and system operators
consult pgbuiltin(3). For a list of user-defined opera-
tors consult your system administrator or run a query on
the pg_operator class. Parentheses may be used for arbi-
trary grouping of operators.
Expressions (a_expr)
An expression is one of the following:
( a_expr )
a_expr binary_operator a_expr
a_expr right_unary_operator
left_unary_operator a_expr
functional expressions
aggregate expressions
We have already discussed constants and attributes. The
two kinds of operator expressions indicate respectively
binary and left_unary expressions. The following sections
discuss the remaining options.
A parameter is used to indicate a parameter in a SQL func-
tion. Typically this is used in SQL function definition
statement. The form of a parameter is:
'$' number
For example, consider the definition of a function, DEPT,
create function DEPT (name)
returns dept
as 'select * from
dept where name=$1'
language 'sql'
Functional Expressions
A functional expression is the name of a legal SQL func-
tion, followed by its argument list enclosed in parenthe-
ses, e.g.:
fn-name (a_expr{ , a_expr})
For example, the following computes the square root of an
employee salary.
Aggregate Expression
An aggregate expression represents a simple aggregate
(i.e., one that computes a single value) or an aggregate
function (i.e., one that computes a set of values). The
syntax is the following: (attribute)
Here, aggregate_name must be a previously defined aggre-
A target list is a parenthesized, comma-separated list of
one or more elements, each of which must be of the form:
a_expr[AS result_attname]
Here, result_attname is the name of the attribute to be
created (or an already existing attribute name in the case
of update statements.) If result_attname is not present,
then a_expr must contain only one attribute name which is
assumed to be the name of the result field. In Postgres
default naming is only used if a_expr is an attribute.
A qualification consists of any number of clauses con-
nected by the logical operators:
A clause is an a_expr that evaluates to a Boolean over a
set of instances.
From List
The from list is a comma-separated list of from expres-
Each from expression is of the form:
[class_reference] instance_variable
{, [class_ref] instance_variable...}
where class_reference is of the form
class_name [*]
The from expression defines one or more instance variables
to range over the class indicated in class_reference. One
can also request the instance variable to range over all
classes that are beneath the indicated class in the inher-
itance hierarchy by postpending the designator "*".
insert(l), delete(l), execute(l), update(l), select(l),
PostgreSQL 11/5/95 1
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