Computer Science

LOCATE(1L)                                             LOCATE(1L)

       locate - list files in databases that match a pattern

       locate  [-d  path]  [--database=path] [--version] [--help]

       This manual page documents  slocate,  a  security-enhanced
       version  of  locate. This man page is derived from the GNU
       locate included with the GNU fileutils package . For  com-
       plete  information on the command-line arguments supported
       by slocate, run slocate --help.  For each  given  pattern,
       locate  searches  one  or more databases of file names and
       displays the file names that contain  the  pattern.   Pat-
       terns  can  contain  shell-style metacharacters: `*', `?',
       and `[]'.  The metacharacters do  not  treat  `/'  or  `.'
       specially.   Therefore,  a  pattern  `foo*bar' can match a
       file name that contains `foo3/bar', and a pattern `*duck*'
       can  match  a file name that contains `lake/.ducky'.  Pat-
       terns that contain metacharacters should be quoted to pro-
       tect them from expansion by the shell.

       If a pattern is a plain string -- it contains no metachar-
       acters -- slocate displays all file names in the  database
       that contain that string anywhere.  If a pattern does con-
       tain metacharacters, slocate only displays file names that
       match  the  pattern  exactly.   As a result, patterns that
       contain metacharacters should usually begin  with  a  `*',
       and  will most often end with one as well.  The exceptions
       are patterns that are intended  to  explicitly  match  the
       beginning or end of a file name.

       The  file  name databases contain lists of files that were
       on the system when the databases were last  updated.   The
       system  administrator  can  choose  the  file  name of the
       default database, the frequency with which  the  databases
       are  updated,  and  the directories for which they contain
       entries; see updatedb(1L).

       -d path, --database=path
              Instead  of  searching  the   default   file   name
              database,  search  the file name databases in path,
              which is a colon-separated list  of  database  file
              names.   You  can also use the environment variable
              LOCATE_PATH to set the list of  database  files  to
              search.  The option overrides the environment vari-
              able if both are used.

       The file name database format changed  starting  with  GNU
       find and locate version 4.0 to allow machines with diffent
       byte orderings to share the databases.   This  version  of
       locate can automatically recognize and read databases pro-
       duced for older versions of GNU locate or Unix versions of
       locate or find.

       --help Print  a summary of the options to locate and exit.

              Print the version number of locate and exit.

              Colon-separated list of databases to search.

       find(1L), xargs(1L) Finding Files  (on-line  in  Info,  or


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