Computer Science

MHN(1)                                                     MHN(1)

       sendfiles - send multiple files via a MIME message

       sendfiles [delay] mailpath subject file1 [file2]...

       The  shell  script sendfiles, is used to send a collection
       of files and directories via electronic mail.

            /usr/lib/nmh/sendfiles mailpath "subject" files ...

       sendfiles will archive the files and directories you  name
       with  the  tar (1)  command,  and then mail the compressed
       archive to the `mailpath' with the given  `subject'.   The
       archive  will  be automatically split up into as many mes-
       sages as necessary in order to get past most mailers.

       Sometimes you want sendfiles to pause after posting a par-
       tial  message.  This is usually the case when you are run-
       ning sendmail and expect to generate a lot of partial mes-
       sages.   If  the  first argument given to sendfiles starts
       with a dash, then it is interpreted as the number of  sec-
       onds to pause in between postings, e.g.,

            /usr/lib/nmh/sendfiles    -30    mailpath   "subject"
            files ...

       will pause 30 seconds in between each posting.

       When these messages are received, invoke  mhn  once,  with
       the  list  of  messages,  and  the  `-store' command.  The
       default is for mhn to store the combined parts  as  a  new
       message  in  the  current  folder,  although  this  can be
       changed using storage formatting strings.   You  can  then
       use  `-show' to find out what's inside; possibly  followed
       by `-store' to write the archive to a file where  you  can
       subsequently uncompress and untar it.  For instance:

            % mhn -list 5-8
             msg part  type/subtype             size description
               5       message/partial           47K part 1 of 4
               6       message/partial           47K part 2 of 4
               7       message/partial           47K part 3 of 4
               8       message/partial           18K part 4 of 4
            % mhn -store 5-8
            reassembling partials 5,6,7,8 to folder inbox as message 9
            % mhn -list -verbose 9
             msg part  type/subtype             size description
               9       application/octet-stream 118K
                         (extract with uncompress | tar xvpf -)
            % mhn -store 9
            % uncompress < 9.tar.Z | tar xvpf -

       Alternately,  by  using the `-auto' switch, mhn will auto-
       matically do the extraction for you:

            % mhn -list 5-8
             msg part  type/subtype             size description
               5       message/partial           47K part 1 of 4
               6       message/partial           47K part 2 of 4
               7       message/partial           47K part 3 of 4
               8       message/partial           18K part 4 of 4
            % mhn -store 5-8
            reassembling partials 5,6,7,8 to folder inbox as message 9
            % mhn -list -verbose 9
             msg part  type/subtype             size description
               9       application/octet-stream 118K
                         (extract with uncompress | tar xvpf -)
            % mhn -store -auto 9
            -- tar listing appears here as files are extracted

       As the second tar listing  is  generated,  the  files  are
       extracted.   A  prudent user will never put `-auto' in the
       .mh_profile file.  The correct procedure is to  first  use
       `-show', to find out what will be extracted.  Then mhn can
       be invoked with   `-store'  and  `-auto'  to  perform  the
       extraction.     ^$HOME/.mh_profile~^The    user    profile
       ^Path:~^To  determine  the  user's  nmh  directory   ^Cur-
       rent-Folder:~^To  find  the default current folder mhn(1),
          Proposed Standard for Message Encapsulation,
          Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One:
          Format of Internet Message Bodies,
          Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two:
          Media Types,
          Multipurpose  Internet  Mail  Extensions  (MIME)   Part
          Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text,
          Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four:
          Registration Procedures,
          Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five:
          Conformance  Criteria and Examples.  `-noverbose' None.

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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