Computer Science

RUPTIME(1)                   UNIX Reference Manual                  RUPTIME(1)

     ruptime - show host status of local machines

     ruptime [-alrtu]

     Ruptime gives a status line like uptime for each machine on the local
     network; these are formed from packets broadcast by each host on the net-
     work once a minute.

     Machines for which no status report has been received for 11 minutes are
     shown as being down.

     Options: Users idle an hour or more are not counted unless the -a flag is
     given.  Sort by load average.  Reverses the sort order.  Sort by uptime.
     Sort by number of users.

     The default listing is sorted by host name.

     data files

     rwho(1) uptime(1)

     Ruptime appeared in 4.2 BSD.

4.2 Berkeley Distribution        July 24, 1990                               1
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