Computer Science

RENAME(2)           Linux Programmer's Manual           RENAME(2)

       rename - change the name or location of a file

       #include <stdio.h>

       int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);

       rename  renames  a  file, moving it between directories if

       Any other hard links to the file (as created  using  link)
       are unaffected.

       If  newpath  already exists it will be atomically replaced
       (subject to a few conditions - see ERRORS below), so  that
       there  is  no point at which another process attempting to
       access newpath will find it missing.

       If newpath exists but the operation fails for some  reason
       rename  guarantees  to  leave  an  instance  of newpath in

       However, when overwriting there will probably be a  window
       in  which both oldpath and newpath refer to the file being

       If oldpath refers to a symbolic link the link is  renamed;
       if  newpath  refers  to  a  symbolic link the link will be

       On success, zero is returned.  On error, -1  is  returned,
       and errno is set appropriately.

       EISDIR newpath  is  an  existing directory, but oldpath is
              not a directory.

       EXDEV  oldpath and newpath are not on the same filesystem.

              newpath  is  a  non-empty directory, i.e., contains
              entries other than "." and "..".

       EBUSY  The rename fails because oldpath or  newpath  is  a
              directory  that  is in use by some process (perhaps
              as current working directory, or as root directory,
              or because it was open for reading) or is in use by
              the system (for example as mount point), while  the
              system  considers  this an error.  (Note that there
              is no requirement to return EBUSY in such  cases  -
              there is nothing wrong with doing the rename anyway
              - but it is allowed to return EBUSY if  the  system
              cannot otherwise handle such situations.)

       EINVAL The  new  pathname  contained  a path prefix of the
              old, or, more generally, an  attempt  was  made  to
              make a directory a subdirectory of itself.

       EMLINK oldpath  already has the maximum number of links to
              it, or it was a directory and  the  directory  con-
              taining newpath has the maximum number of links.

              A  component used as a directory in oldpath or new-
              path is not, in fact, a directory.  Or, oldpath  is
              a directory, and newpath exists but is not a direc-

       EFAULT oldpath or newpath points outside  your  accessible
              address space.

       EACCES Write access to the directory containing oldpath or
              newpath is not allowed for the process's  effective
              uid,  or  one of the directories in oldpath or new-
              path did not allow search (execute) permission,  or
              oldpath  was  a  directory  and did not allow write
              permission (needed to update the ..  entry).

       EPERM or EACCES
              The directory containing oldpath has the sticky bit
              set and the process's effective uid is neither that
              of root nor the uid of the file to be  deleted  nor
              that  of the directory containing it, or newpath is
              an existing file and the  directory  containing  it
              has  the sticky bit set and the process's effective
              uid is neither that of root nor the uid of the file
              to be replaced nor that of the directory containing
              it, or the filesystem containing pathname does  not
              support renaming of the type requested.

              oldpath or newpath was too long.

       ENOENT A  directory component in oldpath  or  newpath does
              not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.

       ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory was available.

       EROFS  The file is on a read-only filesystem.

       ELOOP  Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolv-
              ing oldpath or newpath.

       ENOSPC The  device containing the file has no room for the
              new directory entry.

       POSIX, 4.3BSD, ANSI C

       On NFS filesystems, you can not assume that if the  opera-
       tion  failed the file was not renamed.  If the server does
       the rename operation and then crashes,  the  retransmitted
       RPC  which  will  be processed when the server is up again
       causes a failure.  The application  is  expected  to  deal
       with this.  See link(2) for a similar problem.

       link(2), unlink(2), symlink(2), mv(1)

Linux 2.0                  4 June 1998                          1

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