Computer Science

RCVDIST(1)                                             RCVDIST(1)

       rcvdist - asynchronously redistribute new mail

       /usr/lib/nmh/rcvdist [-form formfile]
            [switches for postproc] address1 ...
            [-version] [-help]

       The  rcvdist program will accept a message on its standard
       input and resend a copy of this  message  to  all  of  the
       addresses listed on its command line.

       When  a message is redistributed with the rcvdist command,
       the format of the Resent-xxx header fields  is  controlled
       by  the  forms  files  "rcvdistcomps".   If  a  file named
       "rcvdistcomps" exists in the user's nmh directory, it will
       be  used  instead  of the default one.  You may specify an
       alternate forms file with the switch `-form formfile'.

       The "rcvdistcomps" file uses the  format  string  facility
       described  in  mh-format(5).   In addition to the standard
       format escapes,  rcvdist  also  recognizes  the  following
       additional component escape:

       Escape     Returns   Description
       addresses  string    the addresses to distribute to

       By  default,  rcvdist  uses  the program post(8) to do the
       actual delivery of  the  message,  although  this  can  be
       changed   by  defining  the  postproc  profile  component.
       ^/etc/nmh/rcvdistcomps~^Default   message   skeleton   ^or
       <mh-dir>/rcvdistcomps~^Rather than standard message skele-
       ton   ^/etc/nmh/mts.conf~^nmh   mts   configuration   file
       ^$HOME/.maildelivery~^The  file controlling local delivery
       ^/etc/nmh/maildelivery~^Rather than the standard file rcv-
       pack(1),  rcvstore(1),  rcvtty(1), mh-format(5), slocal(1)
       Only two return codes are meaningful, others should be.

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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