Computer Science

PSFADDTABLE(1)         Linux User's Manual         PSFADDTABLE(1)

       psfaddtable  -  add a Unicode character table to a console

       psfaddtable fontfile tablefile [outfile]

       psfaddtable takes a console font in .psf format  given  by
       fontfile  and  merges  it with the Unicode character table
       given by tablefile to produce a font file with an embedded
       character  table, which is written to outfile if given, or
       else to standard output.  Either fontfile or outfile  (but
       not  both)  can  be  replaced by a single dash (-) to read
       from standard input instead.  If the fontfile already con-
       tains an embedded character table, it is ignored.

       Each line in the tablefile should be either blank, contain
       a comment (preceded by #), or contain a sequence  of  num-
       bers  in  either decimal (default), octal (preceded by 0),
       or hexadecimal (preceded by 0x) format.  The first  number
       on  each line indicates the glyph slot in the font that is
       being referred to, this  is  between  0  and  0xff  for  a
       256-character  font  and  0  and 0x1ff for a 512-character
       font.  Any subsequent numbers on the same  line  are  Uni-
       codes  matched by this specific glyph slot.  It is permis-
       sible to have multiple lines for the same glyph.

       consolechars(8), psfgettable(1), psfstriptable(1).

Console tools              28 Oct 1997                          1

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