Computer Science

PS2PK(1)                                                 PS2PK(1)

       ps2pk - creates a TeX pkfont from a type1 PostScript font

       pk2pk [ options] type1 [pkfont]

       options: -v -eenc -Xxres -Eexpansion -Sslant

       options: -Ppointsize -Rbaseres -raspectratio

       options: -Yyres -aAFMfile -mmodename

       This  program  renders  a given type1 PostScript font at a
       given  pointsize  (default  10.0  points)  and  resolution
       (default 300dpi) into a TeX pkfont.

       To  generate the pkfont pk2ps needs a valid type1 fontname
       (for example Utopia-Regular, Utopia-Regula.pfb or  Utopia-
       Regula.pfa)  and  its corresponding AFM-file (Utopia-Regu-
       lar.afm).  The program accepts both the MSDOS binary type1
       format   (Utopia-Regula.pfb)   and  its  ASCII  equivalent
       (Utopia-Regular  or  Utopia-Regula.pfa).   To  locate  the
       type1 font and its AFM-file ps2pk will use the environment
       T1INPUTS if it is set otherwise its built in default  (the
       -v flag will report which filenames are looked for).

       The  program  will  make  a  pkfont in which the character
       codes are derived from  their  AFM  (Adobe  Font  Metrics)
       defined  values.   This  can be overruled by specifying an
       explicit encoding file via the -e  option.   The  encoding
       file  enc  should contain a valid PostScript encoding con-
       taining PostScript names like /hyphen.  Here is an  incom-
       plete example (see afm2tfm for complete syntax):

              % This is the EC encoding.
              /ECEncoding [          % now 256 chars follow
              % 0x00
                /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /dieresis /hungarumlaut
                /ring /caron /breve /macron /dotaccent /cedilla
                /ogonek /quotesinglbase /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright

                (Rest of lines omitted.)

              % 0xF0
                /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde
                /odieresis /oe /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
                /udieresis /yacute /thorn /germandbls ] def

       Options and arguments:

       -aAFMfile   Overrules  the name that is used to locate the
                   AFM file.

       -eenc       Name of a file containing an  encoding  scheme
                   (default  - the encoding named in the AFM-file
                   is used).  The actual PostScript name  of  the
                   encoding  scheme  is written as a "special" at
                   the end of the pkfont.

       -Eextension The  extension  factor  (real  value,  default

       -mmodename  A  modename  such as would be used by METAFONT
                   (default "Unknown mode").

       -Ppointsize The desired  pointsize  (real  value,  default
                   10.0 points).

       -Rbaseres   The  desired  base  resolution (integer value,
                   default 300 dpi).  If this  differs  from  the
                   value  of  xres, the appropriate magnification
                   will be shown in the "specials" at the end  of
                   the   pkfont.   If   possible,  this  will  be
                   expressed as a magstep, otherwise  as  a  real
                   number.  For example, a pkfont with an xres of
                   329, using the default base resolution of 300,
                   will  include  the  "special"  text  "mag=mag-
                   step(0.5)" at the end of the font.

                   The desired aspect  ratio  (expression,  inte-
                   gerY/integerX, default 300/300).  This will be
                   shown in the "specials"  at  the  end  of  the
                   pkfont.   Setting  the  aspect ratio creates a
                   value for yres but an explicit yres value will
                   take  precedence.   Argument  must be in "" if
                   spaces are left around `/'.

       -Sslant     The slant (real value, default 0.0).

       -Xxres      The resolution in  the  X  direction  (integer
                   value, default 300 dpi).

       -Yyres      The  resolution  in  the  Y direction (integer
                   value, default the value  of  xres).  If  yres
                   differs from xres, a "special" text giving the
                   aspect ratio will be written at the end of the

       -v          Verbose  flag.  (Tells  what  the  program  is

       type1       The name of the PostScript  type1  font.   The
                   name  of the AFM-file will be constructed from
                   this  name  by  removing  the  extension   (if
                   suplied)  and  adding  ".afm".  The PostScript
                   "FontName" is extracted from the AFM-file  and
                   written  into  a  "special"  at the end of the

       [pkfont]    The name of the resulting pkfont can be  over-
                   ruled  with  this  name.   The default name of
                   pkfont is derived from  the  basename  of  the
                   type1 font, the pointsize and xres.  For exam-
                   ple `ps2pk -P17.28 Utopia-Regular' will result
                   in   `Utopia-Regular17.300pk'.    An  explicit
                   value for the name of the pkfont is  necessary
                   when  the  type1  font  name already shows the
                   point size, otherwise the pointsize  value  is
                   catenated  on  to the pkfont basename which is
                   usually not what is wanted.

       The following PK "specials" provide an internal  check  on
       the  characteristics of the pkfont, in accordance with the
       recommendations of the TeX Working Group on the TeX Direc-
       tory Standard (TWG-TDS):
       "fontid=FontName",   "codingscheme=Encoding",   "fontface-
       byte", "mag",  "mode=(ps2pk)modename",  "pixels-per-inch",
       and "aspect-ratio" if it is other than unity.

       This program uses the type1 hinting and rendering software
       IBM has donated to the X-consortium.

       `METAFONT: The Program', Donald Knuth.
       `The GFtoPK processor', belonging to the METAFONTware.
       `Adobe Font Metric Files', Version 3.0, PostScript Developer
       Support Group.

       1.1 (May 1992)

       Piet Tutelaers
       modified for ps2pkm
       by Pierre A. Mackay

                               TeX                              1

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