Computer Science

ppmtouil(1)                                           ppmtouil(1)

       ppmtouil - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon

       ppmtouil [-name uilname] [ppmfile]

       Reads a portable pixmap as input.  Produces  a  Motif  UIL
       icon file as output.

       If  the  program  was compiled with an rgb database speci-
       fied, and a RGB value from the ppm  input  matches  a  RGB
       value from the database, then the corresponding color name
       mnemonic is printed in the  UIL's  colormap.   If  no  rgb
       database  was  compiled  in,  or  if  the RGB values don't
       match, then the color  will  be  printed  with  the  #RGB,
       #RRGGBB,  #RRRGGGBBB, or #RRRRGGGGBBBB hexadecimal format.

       -name  Allows you to specify the prefix  string  which  is
              printed in the resulting UIL output.  If not speci-
              fied, will default to the filename (without  exten-
              sion)  of  the  ppmfile  argument.  If -name is not
              specified and no ppmfile is specified  (i.e.  piped
              input),  the  prefix  string  will  default  to the
              string "noname".

       All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique pre-


       Converted by Jef Poskanzer from ppmtoxpm.c, which is Copy-
       right (C) 1990 by Mark W. Snitily

                          31 August 1990                        1

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