Computer Science

ppmmake(1)                                             ppmmake(1)

       ppmmake - create a pixmap of a specified size and color

       ppmmake color width height

       Produces  a portable pixmap of the specified color, width,
       and height.

       The color can be specified in five ways:

       o      A name, assuming that a  pointer  to  an  X11-style
              color names file was compiled in.

       o      An   X11-style  hexadecimal  specifier:  rgb:r/g/b,
              where r g and b are each 1- to 4-digit  hexadecimal

       o      An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r
              g and b are floating point numbers between 0 and 1.

       o      For  backwards compatibility, an old-X11-style hex-
              adecimal  number:  #rgb,  #rrggbb,  #rrrgggbbb,  or

       o      For  backwards  compatibility, a triplet of numbers
              separated by commas: r,g,b, where r  g  and  b  are
              floating  point  numbers  between  0  and 1.  (This
              style was added before MIT came up with the similar
              rgbi style.)

       ppm(5), pbmmake(1)

       Copyright (C) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

                        24 September 1991                       1

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