Computer Science

ppmchange(1)                                         ppmchange(1)

       ppmchange - change all pixels of one color to another in a
       portable pixmap

       ppmchange oldcolor newcolor [...]  [ppmfile]

       Reads a portable pixmap as input.  Changes all  pixels  of
       oldcolor to newcolor, leaving all others unchanged.  Up to
       256 colors may be replaced by specifying couples of colors
       on the command line.

       The colors can be specified in five ways:

       o      A  name,  assuming  that  a pointer to an X11-style
              color names file was compiled in.

       o      An  X11-style  hexadecimal  specifier:   rgb:r/g/b,
              where  r g and b are each 1- to 4-digit hexadecimal

       o      An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r
              g and b are floating point numbers between 0 and 1.

       o      For backwards compatibility, an old-X11-style  hex-
              adecimal  number:  #rgb,  #rrggbb,  #rrrgggbbb,  or

       o      For backwards compatibility, a triplet  of  numbers
              separated  by  commas:  r,g,b,  where r g and b are
              floating point numbers  between  0  and  1.   (This
              style was added before MIT came up with the similar
              rgbi style.)

       pgmtoppm(1), ppm(5)

       Wilson H. Bent. Jr. (  with  modifications  by
       Alberto Accomazzi (

                         3 December 1993                        1

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