Computer Science

pnmtotiff(1)                                         pnmtotiff(1)

       pnmtotiff - convert a a portable anymap into a TIFF file

       pnmtotiff  [-none|-packbits|  -lzw|-g3|-g4]  [-2d] [-fill]
       [-predictor n] [-msb2lsb|-lsb2msb] [-rowsperstrip n] [pnm-

       Reads a portable anymap as input.  Produces a TIFF file as

       By default, pnmtotiff creates a TIFF file  with  LZW  com-
       pression.   This  is your best bet most of the time.  How-
       ever, some TIFF readers can't deal with it.  If  you  want
       to  try  another  compression  scheme or tweak some of the
       other even more obscure output options, there are a number
       of flags to play with.

       The  -none, -packbits, -lzw, -g3, and -g4 options are used
       to override the default and  set  the  compression  scheme
       used  in  creating the output file.  The CCITT Group 3 and
       Group 4 compression  algorithms  can  only  be  used  with
       bilevel  data.   The  -2d and -fill options are meaningful
       only with Group 3 compression: -2d requests  2-dimensional
       encoding,  while -fill requests that each encoded scanline
       be zero-filled to a byte boundry.  The  -predictor  option
       is only meaningful with LZW compression: a predictor value
       of 2 causes each scanline of the output image  to  undergo
       horizontal differencing before it is encoded; a value of 1
       forces each scanline to be encoded without differencing.

       By default, pnmtotiff creates a TIFF file with  msb-to-lsb
       fill order.  The -msb2lsb and -lsb2msb options are used to
       override the default and set the fill order used in creat-
       ing the file.

       The  -rowsperstrip option can be used to set the number of
       rows (scanlines) in each strip of data in the output file.
       By  default,  the  output  file has the number of rows per
       strip set to a value that will ensure  each  strip  is  no
       more than 8 kilobytes long.

       This  program  is  not self-contained.  To use it you must
       fetch the TIFF Software package listed in  the  OTHER.SYS-
       TEMS  file and configure PBMPLUS to use libtiff.  See PBM-
       PLUS's Makefile for details on this configuration.

       tifftopnm(1), pnm(5)

       Derived by Jef Poskanzer from ras2tiff.c, which  is  Copy-
       right  (c) 1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Author: Patrick
       J. Naughton (

                         13 January 1991                        1

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