Computer Science

pnmscale(1)                                           pnmscale(1)

       pnmscale - scale a portable anymap

       pnmscale s [pnmfile]
       pnmscale -xsize|-width|-ysize| -height s [pnmfile]
       pnmscale -xscale|-yscale s [pnmfile]
       pnmscale  -xscale|-xsize|-width s -yscale|-ysize|-height s
       pnmscale -xysize x y [pnmfile]
       pnmscale -pixels n [pnmfile]

       Reads a portable anymap as input.  Scales it by the speci-
       fied  factor  or factors and produces a portable anymap as
       output.  If the input file is in color, the output will be
       too, otherwise it will be grayscale.  You can both enlarge
       (scale factor > 1) and reduce (scale factor < 1).

       You can specify one dimension as a  pixel  size,  and  the
       other dimension will be scaled correspondingly.

       You  can  specify  one dimension as a scale, and the other
       dimension will not be scaled.

       You can specify different sizes or scales for each axis.

       You can use the special -xysize flag, which fits the image
       into the specified size without changing the aspect ratio.

       Or, you can use the -pixels flag,  which  fits  the  image
       into  the  specified number of pixels without changing the
       aspect ratio.

       All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique pre-

       If you enlarge by a factor of 3 or more, you should proba-
       bly add a pnmsmooth step; otherwise, you can see the orig-
       inal pixels in the resulting image.

       pbmreduce(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)

       Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

                         12 January 1991                        1

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