Computer Science

pnmenlarge(1)                                       pnmenlarge(1)

       pnmenlarge - read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times

       pnmenlarge N [pnmfile]

       Reads a portable anymap as input.  Replicates its pixels N
       times, and produces a portable anymap as output.

       pnmenlarge  can  only  enlarge  by  integer  factors.  The
       slower but more general pnmscale can enlarge or reduce  by
       arbitrary  factors,  and  pbmreduce  can reduce by integer
       factors, but only for bitmaps.

       If you enlarge by a factor of 3 or more, you should proba-
       bly add a pnmsmooth step; otherwise, you can see the orig-
       inal pixels in the resulting image.

       pbmreduce(1), pnmscale(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)

       Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

                         26 February 1989                       1

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