Computer Science

PKTYPE(1)                                               PKTYPE(1)

       pktype - verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to
       plain text

       pktype pk_file [ output_file ]

       This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive.  The  com-
       plete  documentation  for this version of TeX can be found
       in the info file or manual Web2C: A TeX implementation.

       The pktype program translates  a  packed  font  file  (pk)
       (output  by,  for example, gftopk(1) to a file that humans
       can read. It also serves as a pk  file-validating  program
       (i.e.,  if  pktype  can  read  it, it's correct) and as an
       example of a pk-reading program for  other  software  that
       wants to read pk files.

       The  pk_file on the command line must be complete. Because
       the resolution is part of the extension, it would not make
       sense to append a default extension as is done with TeX or
       DVI-reading software. If no output_file is specified,  the
       plain text translation is written to standard output.

       The  output  file  gives  a compact encoding of the packed
       encoding, using conventions described in the source  code.
       Run  lengths  of black pixels alternate with parenthesized
       run lengths of white pixels,  and  brackets  are  used  to
       indicate when a row should be repeated.

       pktype  looks  for  pk_file using the environment variable
       PKFONTS.  If that is not set, it uses the variable TEXPKS.
       If that is not set, it uses TEXFONTS.  If that is not set,
       it uses the system default.

       See tex(1) for the details of the searching.

       dvitype(1), gftopk(1), gftype(1).
       Donald E. Knuth et al., Metafontware.

       Tomas Rokicki wrote the program.  Donald E.  Knuth  origi-
       nally  ported  it  to  Unix.  Pierre MacKay adapted it for
       compilation with Web2c.

Web2C 7.3                 13 March 1996                         1

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