Computer Science

PFB2PFA(1)                                             PFB2PFA(1)

       pfb2pfa  -  convert a type1 pfb file (binary MSDOS) into a
       pfa (ASCII)

       pfb2pfa [-v] pfbfile [pfafile]

       Program converts a binary MSDOS representation for a type1
       PostScript  font into a readable ASCII version.  The MSDOS
       newline (\r) is converted into the UNIX newline (\n).  The
       output is written in a file whose name is the name that is
       provided on the command line or the basename of the  input
       file plus extension ".pfa".

       With the -v option you get some information about what the
       program is doing.

       Piet Tutelaers

                               TeX                              1

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