Computer Science

PERLBUG(1)       Perl Programmers Reference Guide      PERLBUG(1)

       perlbug - how to submit bug reports on Perl

       ppeerrllbbuugg [ --vv ] [ --aa address ] [ --ss subject ]
       [ --bb body | --ff inputfile ] [ --FF outputfile ]
       [ --rr returnaddress ] [ --ee editor ]
       [ --cc adminaddress | --CC ] [ --SS ] [ --tt ]  [ --dd ]  [ --hh ]

       ppeerrllbbuugg [ --vv ] [ --rr returnaddress ]
       [ --ookk | --ookkaayy | --nnookk | --nnookkaayy ]

       A program to help generate bug reports about perl or the
       modules that come with it, and mail them.

       If you have found a bug with a non-standard port (one that
       was not part of the standard distribution), a binary
       distribution, or a non-standard module (such as Tk, CGI,
       etc), then please see the documentation that came with
       that distribution to determine the correct place to report

       perlbug is designed to be used interactively. Normally no
       arguments will be needed.  Simply run it, and follow the

       If you are unable to run ppeerrllbbuugg (most likely because you
       don't have a working setup to send mail that perlbug
       recognizes), you may have to compose your own report, and
       email it to ppeerrllbbuugg@@ppeerrll..ccoomm.  You might find the --dd
       option useful to get summary information in that case.

       In any case, when reporting a bug, please make sure you
       have run through this checklist:

       What version of perl you are running?
           Type perl -v at the command line to find out.

       Are you running the latest released version of perl?
           Look at to find out.  If it is
           not the latest released version, get that one and see
           whether your bug has been fixed.  Note that bug
           reports about old versions of perl, especially those
           prior to the 5.0 release, are likely to fall upon deaf
           ears.  You are on your own if you continue to use
           perl1 .. perl4.

       Are you sure what you have is a bug?
           A significant number of the bug reports we get turn
           out to be documented features in perl.  Make sure the
           behavior you are witnessing doesn't fall under that
           category, by glancing through the documentation that
           comes with perl (we'll admit this is no mean task,
           given the sheer volume of it all, but at least have a
           look at the sections that seem relevant).

           Be aware of the familiar traps that perl programmers
           of various hues fall into.  See the perltrap manpage.

           Check in the perldiag manpage to see what any Perl
           error message(s) mean.  If message isn't in perldiag,
           it probably isn't generated by Perl.  Consult your
           operating system documentation instead.

           If you are on a non-UNIX platform check also the
           perlport manpage, some features may not be implemented
           or work differently.

           Try to study the problem under the perl debugger, if
           necessary.  See the perldebug manpage.

       Do you have a proper test case?
           The easier it is to reproduce your bug, the more
           likely it will be fixed, because if no one can
           duplicate the problem, no one can fix it.  A good test
           case has most of these attributes: fewest possible
           number of lines; few dependencies on external
           commands, modules, or libraries; runs on most
           platforms unimpeded; and is self-documenting.

           A good test case is almost always a good candidate to
           be on the perl test suite.  If you have the time,
           consider making your test case so that it will readily
           fit into the standard test suite.

           Remember also to include the eexxaacctt error messages, if
           any.  "Perl complained something" is not an exact
           error message.

           If you get a core dump (or equivalent), you may use a
           debugger (ddbbxx, ggddbb, etc) to produce a stack trace to
           include in the bug report.  NOTE: unless your Perl has
           been compiled with debug info (often --gg), the stack
           trace is likely to be somewhat hard to use because it
           will most probably contain only the function names,
           not their arguments.  If possible, recompile your Perl
           with debug info and reproduce the dump and the stack

       Can you describe the bug in plain English?
           The easier it is to understand a reproducible bug, the
           more likely it will be fixed.  Anything you can
           provide by way of insight into the problem helps a
           great deal.  In other words, try to analyse the
           problem to the extent you feel qualified and report
           your discoveries.

       Can you fix the bug yourself?
           A bug report which includes a patch to fix it will
           almost definitely be fixed.  Use the diff program to
           generate your patches (diff is being maintained by the
           GNU folks as part of the ddiiffffuuttiillss package, so you
           should be able to get it from any of the GNU software
           repositories).  If you do submit a patch, the cool-
           dude counter at will register you as
           a savior of the world.  Your patch may be returned
           with requests for changes, or requests for more
           detailed explanations about your fix.

           Here are some clues for creating quality patches: Use
           the --cc or --uu switches to the diff program (to create a
           so-called context or unified diff).  Make sure the
           patch is not reversed (the first argument to diff is
           typically the original file, the second argument your
           changed file).  Make sure you test your patch by
           applying it with the patch program before you send it
           on its way.  Try to follow the same style as the code
           you are trying to patch.  Make sure your patch really
           does work (make test, if the thing you're patching
           supports it).

       Can you use perlbug to submit the report?
           ppeerrllbbuugg will, amongst other things, ensure your report
           includes crucial information about your version of
           perl.  If perlbug is unable to mail your report after
           you have typed it in, you may have to compose the
           message yourself, add the output produced by perlbug
           -d and email it to ppeerrllbbuugg@@ppeerrll..ccoomm.  If, for some
           reason, you cannot run perlbug at all on your system,
           be sure to include the entire output produced by
           running perl -V (note the uppercase V).

           Whether you use perlbug or send the email manually,
           please make your subject informative.  "a bug" not
           informative.  Neither is "perl crashes" nor "HELP!!!",
           these all are null information.  A compact description
           of what's wrong is fine.

       Having done your bit, please be prepared to wait, to be
       told the bug is in your code, or even to get no reply at
       all.  The perl maintainers are busy folks, so if your
       problem is a small one or if it is difficult to understand
       or already known, they may not respond with a personal
       reply.  If it is important to you that your bug be fixed,
       do monitor the Changes file in any development releases
       since the time you submitted the bug, and encourage the
       maintainers with kind words (but never any flames!).  Feel
       free to resend your bug report if the next released
       version of perl comes out and your bug is still present.

       --aa      Address to send the report to.  Defaults to

       --bb      Body of the report.  If not included on the
               command line, or in a file with --ff, you will get a
               chance to edit the message.

       --CC      Don't send copy to administrator.

       --cc      Address to send copy of report to.  Defaults to
               the address of the local perl administrator
               (recorded when perl was built).

       --dd      Data mode (the default if you redirect or pipe
               output).  This prints out your configuration data,
               without mailing anything.  You can use this with
               --vv to get more complete data.

       --ee      Editor to use.

       --ff      File containing the body of the report.  Use this
               to quickly send a prepared message.

       --FF      File to output the results to instead of sending
               as an email. Useful particularly when running
               perlbug on a machine with no direct internet

       --hh      Prints a brief summary of the options.

       --ookk     Report successful build on this system to perl
               porters. Forces --SS and --CC. Forces and supplies
               values for --ss and --bb. Only prompts for a return
               address if it cannot guess it (for use with mmaakkee).
               Honors return address specified with --rr.  You can
               use this with --vv to get more complete data.   Only
               makes a report if this system is less than 60 days

       --ookkaayy   As --ookk except it will report on older systems.

       --nnookk    Report unsuccessful build on this system.  Forces
               --CC.  Forces and supplies a value for --ss, then
               requires you to edit the report and say what went
               wrong.  Alternatively, a prepared report may be
               supplied using --ff.  Only prompts for a return
               address if it cannot guess it (for use with mmaakkee).
               Honors return address specified with --rr.  You can
               use this with --vv to get more complete data.  Only
               makes a report if this system is less than 60 days

       --nnookkaayy  As --nnookk except it will report on older systems.

       --rr      Your return address.  The program will ask you to
               confirm its default if you don't use this option.

       --SS      Send without asking for confirmation.

       --ss      Subject to include with the message.  You will be
               prompted if you don't supply one on the command

       --tt      Test mode.  The target address defaults to

       --vv      Include verbose configuration data in the report.

       Kenneth Albanowski (<>), subsequently
       doctored by Gurusamy Sarathy (<>), Tom
       Christiansen (<>), Nathan Torkington
       (<>), Charles F. Randall (<>),
       Mike Guy (<>), Dominic Dunlop
       (<>), Hugo van der Sanden
       (<>), and Jarkko Hietaniemi

       perl(1), perldebug(1), perldiag(1), perlport(1),
       perltrap(1), diff(1), patch(1), dbx(1), gdb(1)

       None known (guess what must have been used to report

6/Apr/1999             perl 5.005, patch 03                     1

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