Computer Science

pbmtoascii(1)                                       pbmtoascii(1)

       pbmtoascii - convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics

       pbmtoascii [-1x2|-2x4] [pbmfile]

       Reads a portable bitmap as  input.   Produces  a  somewhat
       crude ASCII graphic as output.

       Note  that  there is no asciitopbm tool - this transforma-
       tion is one-way.

       The -1x2 and -2x4 flags give you two  alternate  ways  for
       the  bits  to  get  mapped  to  characters.  With 1x2, the
       default, each character represents a group of 1 bit across
       by  2  bits  down.  With -2x4, each character represents 2
       bits across by 4 bits down.  With the 1x2 mode you can see
       the  individual  bits, so it's useful for previewing small
       bitmaps on a non-graphics terminal.  The 2x4 mode lets you
       display  larger  bitmaps  on a standard 80-column display,
       but it obscures bit-level details.  2x4 mode is also  good
       for displaying graymaps - "pnmscale -width 158 | pgmnorm |
       pgmtopbm -thresh" should give good results.


       Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 by Jef Poskanzer.

                          20 March 1992                         1

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