Computer Science
PBMTO4425(1) PBMTO4425(1)
pbmto4425 - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmto4425 [pbmfile]
Pbmto4425 displays PBM format images on an AT&T 4425 ASCII
terminal using that terminal's mosaic graphics character
set. The program should also work with other VT100-like
terminals with mosaic graphics character sets such as the
C. Itoh CIT-101, but it has not yet been tested on termi-
nals other than the 4425.
Pbmto4425 puts the terminal into 132 column mode to
achieve the maximum resolution of the terminal. In this
mode the terminal has a resolution of 264 columns by 69
rows. The pixels have an aspect ratio of 1:2.6, therefore
an image should be processed before being displayed in a
manner such as this:
% pnmscale -xscale 2.6 pnmfile \
| pnmscale -xysize 264 69 \
| ppmtopgm \
| pgmtopbm \
| pbmto4425
Copyright (C) 1993 by Robert Perlberg
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