Computer Science

PACKF(1)                                                 PACKF(1)

       packf - pack messages in nmh folder into a single file

       packf [+folder] [msgs] [-file name] [-mbox] [-mmdf]
            [-version] [-help]

       Packf  will  pack copies of messages from a folder, into a
       single file.

       If the `-mbox' switch is given  (the  default),  then  the
       messages are separated using mbox (uucp) style delimiters.
       This is the format used by most mail clients (elm,  mailx,

       If the `-mmdf' switch is given, then the messages are sep-
       arated by mmdf style delimiters.  Each message in the file
       is separated by four CTRL-A's and a newline.

       You  may specify the name of the file in which to use with
       the `-file name' switch.  If you do specify  the  name  of
       the file, it will default to `msgbox'.

       If  the  given  file name points to an existing file, then
       the specified messages will be appended to the end of  the
       file,  otherwise the file will be created and the messages

       Messages that are packed by packf can  be  unpacked  using

       ^$HOME/.mh_profile~^The   user   profile   ^^A
       binary index of the file ^Path:~^To determine  the  user's
       nmh  directory  ^Current-Folder:~^To find the default cur-
       rent folder ^Msg-Protect:~^To set mode when creating a new
       `file'  inc(1)  `+folder'  defaults  to the current folder
       `msgs' defaults to  all  `-mbox'  `-file  ./msgbox'  If  a
       folder  is  given, it will become the current folder.  The
       first message packed will become the current message.

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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