Computer Science

PACK_CIS(8)                                           PACK_CIS(8)

       pack_cis - Utility to parse PCMCIA Card Information Struc-

       pack_cis [-o outfile] infile

       Pack_cis is used to convert a text description of a PCMCIA
       Card Information Structure (CIS) to its packed binary rep-
       resentation.  It can parse a reasonably useful  subset  of
       the  possible output of the dump_cis utility.  The primary
       use of pack_cis is to construct replacement CIS files  for
       cards  that  have  incomplete,  inaccurate, or damaged CIS
       structures.  Thus, the supported tuple  types  are  mostly
       limited to things that are important for correctly config-
       uring typical IO cards.

       By default, the packed data is written to standard output.

       The  best way to get started writing CIS descriptions will
       be to use dump_cis to extract the CIS data  from  a  card,
       and  to  examine the CIS files distributed with the PCMCIA
       source tree in etc/cis/.

       The basic structure of a CIS is a list of  tuple  descrip-
       tions.   Anything following a hash mark (``#'') is treated
       as a comment.  A multifunction CIS can be  described  with
       the notation:

              [common tuple list]
              mfc {
                [tuple list for function 0]
              }, {
                [tuple list for function 1]

       -o outfile
              Write  the packed tuple data to the specified file.

       /etc/pcmcia/cis   Standard location for packed CIS files
       David Hinds -
       dump_cis(8), cardmgr(8), pcmcia(5).

pcmcia-cs              1998/09/27 21:02:34                      1

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